Fake tears for a dead N. Korean depot (also know as a despot).

Update and correction:   I am leaving the misspelling in the headline.  I work hard at eliminating mistakes and typos.  This one got past me  --  should have written Korean despot.  But I didn't.  "Korean depot" is a little different. Walter Sobchak corrected me with these words . . . I myself prefer Home Depot...  I read this 20 minutes ago and am still laughing.  

No point in playing this idiocy "with sound."  Just look.  And while you are watching the several hundred N.Koreans  express their grief,  make note that there is not a single tear to be found.  They are doing what they have been told to do,  for some imagined propaganda advantage.  I took time to watch 5 of these videos.  Again,  there was not a tear to be found.  Apparently,  the only one to seriously mourn the passing of this maniac was Jimmy Carter,  who sent the Il family a letter of condolence expressing regret for the loss of Kim Jong Il.  And I voted for Carter -  my last insane act as a Democrat.  Geeeesh


  1. I myself prefer Home Depot...

  2. LOL. Ok, so I left out a letter but I like the way you made your point.
