"Conservative" polling numbers give a very different picture from the One Worlder's version of the political climate.

It all began with January 20th , 2009,  and Obama’s inauguration.  He was approved by 65% of the population and strongly approved by 44%.  This last number was made up of those who actually worked for and supported him in his election bid.  The last time his “strongly approved” percentage stood in the 40 percentile bracket (42%) was on March 6, 2009.  It has remained at 39% or below everyday since that time.  On November 2, 2010,  shown below on the Rasmussen chart,  the day he and his party lost a landslide election,  his strongly approved percentage was 30%. 

The day after Inauguration Day,  the country showed strong support of Obama. It was the last time he recorded such numbers.  


The existing One World Media wants you to believe that Obama’s rebound is a trend that puts him back in the “driver’s seat” as far as the command of the coming election is concerned.  While such is not an impossibility,  it certainly is not true in today’s political economy. 

 Presidential Approval Index  
 Strongly Approve
 Strongly Disapprove
 Total Approve
 Total Disapprove

In virtually every voting demographic including Blacks,  his support is down 15% or more.  In most  (college age, young adults,  white men, women, Latino’s), he is down more than 20%.  He simply cannot win the coming election with those numbers.  As you can see, if we use the November 2, 2010 survey record as a benchmark,  the Senate and the presidency would revert to the GOP. 

Of course, there is a host of extenuating circumstances standing in the way of a Patriot victory in 2012,  but the One Worlder’s stealing our nation’s grand traditions are just as disadvantaged as we. 

Why else has Obama stopped doing the business of governance in exchange for a perpetual two year campaign?  His internal polling tells him the very thing we are putting in print with this post.  

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