The Washington Post complains that the GOP is returning voter laws to common sense levels.

I think this story is a bit on the humorous side. The story came from the Leftist news outlet, the Washington Post, and is designed to raise a red flag as it presents the GOP as a party willing to misuse its legislative powers in a number of states to increase its electoral advantage in those states.

Oh, the shame !! Or, should I have written, "Oh the sham?"

Specifically, the Post is complaining that the GOP is changing the rules in such a way as to increase its advantage in the voting booth. Take a look at the heart of the Post's story:

Looking to capitalize on their historic gains last year, Republican lawmakers in several states are rewriting their election laws in ways that could make it more difficult for Democrats to win. They have curbed early voting, rolled back voting rights for ex-felons and passed stricter voter ID laws. Taken together, the measures could have a significant and negative effect on President Obama’s reelection efforts if they keep young people and minorities away from the polls.

Understand that early voting, the new trend in Democrat voting strategies, is an increased emphasis on absentee balloting. In the most recent elections, within the past ten years, complaints with regard to early voting fraud have run 10 to 1 against the Democrats. Here in California, Democrat voter fraud is beyond epic proportions. Maybe this has to do with the fact that the socialist union we know and love as the "SEIU," does all the absentee count with regard to early voting. Of course this needs to be changed, yet the WaPost treats this as some sort GOP scandal.

More than this, in thousands of incidences each election cycle, Democrat campaign centers send their people out into poor communities to "sign up new voters." In this process, these "new voters" are given "assistance" in filling out the absentee ballots. The precinct volunteer then agrees to taking the completed ballot taken back to the polling precinct "for them." Anyone think this should not be changed???!!

And who believes that felons should have the right to vote? My guess is that any political party that has a voting constituency spending 20 to life in prison, is in deep trouble.

And "ID reform?" Several states of this country, do not require any voter identification at all. If the reader does not see the potential for vote count abuse in this, well, they must be Democrats.

The fact is obvious, the Washington Post is complaining about issues that must be changed. There is no scandal here, just great legislative strategies. You should know that the three issues named in the WaPost report are, themselves, changes made by the Democrats to give them a vote advantage. In California, at least, there was a time when felons could not vote, when we had to show ID in order to vote and public unions did not count the vote.

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