Obama's $447 Stimulus Two bill has not yet been submitted in the House.

I have been saying since last Thursday, that Obama is not negotiating his $447 Stimulus Two "jobs" bill. In fact, he really designed the bill to fail in Congress. He wants the conflict. He does not have any other plan for the coming election. He certainly does not want to run on his record, so he pretends that he has no record.

Understand that Obama took passed legislative suggestions from both sides of the aisle and combined them in this bill. He has already done the "negotiations," hence, "Pass this bill and pass it now." This headline proves the point: Axelrod: 'We're not in a negotiation' on Obama $447B jobs package. So there you have it. This bill is nothing but a campaign ploy designed to give Obama a strategic advantage for the coming election. He actually believes that he can overcome his many failures with this single strategy.

Such a sham and, to think that he called a joint session of Congress for this this childishness. Not a single Republican should have attended. "Respect the Presidency" is the Democrat battle cry coming from a party that made a living out of the most egregious [Bush] insults known to man. I stopped respecting the presidency when Clinton began talking about his underwear (boxers or briefs?).

At any rate, Obama is running around the country chiding Congress for not passing his jobs bill, a bill that has not been submitted. As of this morning at the time of this writing, not one Democrat has submitted Obama's proposal in the House. Can you believe this???!! Obama is critical of Congress for not taking action on a proposal they do not have in their possession !!!

There is a rumor that Obama intends to hold onto the bill for two weeks before having it submitted, so that he can get some traction out of his new campaign theme.

Look, if the bill has not been submitted to the House, and it has not, it cannot be "scored" by the CBO. It is not a legitimate proposal as of yet, and, in fact, it will take several weeks before it reaches that "legislative plateau."

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