The more we know, the more we hate this new jobs plan. It is what Obama is not talking about that is scary. Here are some examples.

It's not just millionaires and billionaires who will pay more under Obama's latest plan, his 15th effort at taking on the jobs situation since he has been president.

If you file "separate returns" and make $125,000 before taxes, your tax rate will be rolled into that of the "richest" of Americans.

If you own a home, you will no longer be allowed to deduct your home mortgage interest on the Federal form . . . . just when the mortgage industry needs a boost, not a new taxes.

If you are in the military, there may be provisions added to this bill that reduce benefits. Military retirees - and they are ALL "middle class," will pay a $200 fee upon turning 65 to have the government pay their out-of-pocket Medicare expenses. They will, also, pay more for non-generic prescription drugs.

If you are an employer, you will be forced to hire anyone who comes to you, looking for a job, who has been unemployed for more than six months.

Air travelers, federal workers, military retirees, wealthier Medicare beneficiaries and people taking out new mortgages are among those who would pay more than $130 billion in government revenues raised through new or increased fees.

Middle class airline passengers and passengers who have no class at all, will see their federal security fees double from $5 to $10 for a nonstop round-trip flight and triple to $15 by 2017, raising $25 billion over the coming decade.

Federal workers - most of them being Middle Class - would face an additional 1.2 percentage point deduction from their paychecks to contribute $21 billion more for their pensions over the same period. This is an increase on their Social Security tax. Obama proposes as "tax holiday" on Social Security pay deductions, reducing those deductions by 50% at the same time he increases SS deductions to Federal workers.

It will cost corporate jet owners a new $100 fee for each flight as some sort of prelude to a "cap and trade" tax. Understand that we are using the term "tax," knowing that fees are not considered "taxes." We believe this is so much rhetorical nonsense and "tell it like it is" on this point. The fee on corporate jets and other private passenger planes, for example, would raise about $1 billion a year to help finance the cost of air traffic control. Recreational flyers won't have to pay. You should know that the Administration documents describe the fees as savings!!!

Besides new taxes that punish the Middle Class as much as the "rich, Obama proposes to set up an electronic records system for hazardous waste shipments. More "records" requires "surveillance, " reporting and dissemination of those reports --- in short, it requires another bureaucracy that will, one day, morph into another government agency having control over our lives.

There will be a new agency would oversee geothermal leases, demanding a whopping 50 percent share of lease receipts.

Obama, also, wants to tax (increase "fees") Fannie and Freddie, effectively raising the cost of an average mortgage by $15 per month, a tax, once again, on the Middle Class.

No doubt, I will be updating this article with regularity. Stay tuned.

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