Why is Palin waiting to get in the race? We have the answer, and "man, is it a good one !!"

Here is a headline that gives us a little hope as to the Governor's intentions: Palin event switches sites to handle crowd. Can you believe it? After all this time, a Palin waiting in the wings, taking the risk of losing her popular momentum, a serious risk, by the way, she has to change venues to accommodate the crowds.

Why is she in Iowa ? She is not in Montana or Colorado. No, she is in Iowa, standing as close to the political horse race as she can get without "getting in." And why is she waiting so long to get into the race? According to Karl Rove, she has until mid-October. If she knows this, and why wouldn't she, what might be her strategy?

I have said from the very beginning of the Palin Presence, that her political instincts are great - far above average. Obama, by contrast, has the political strategy of a horse in heat.

Mid-October is nearly two months from now. Plenty of time for a Paul Ryan or a Mitch Daniels or a Chris Cristy to get in the race. Plenty of time for those currently in the race, to stumble and fail. Romney has that problem with RomneyCare and the fact that he is a Mormon. I do not hold that against him at all, but some will. The two factors may spell his demise.

Bachmann and Perry are great, but both are a little too busy sticking their feet into their mouths. Will they do themselves in, before mid-October ? Palin has already been through the fire. She has already been "vetted" by the goons on the Left. They found nothing; no scandal, no serious faults, no serious verbal screw-ups, nothing. She is as pure as the driven snow !! And she knows exactly how she will handle the press.

Those of us who are her fans know that she can handle herself well in a debate. Look what she did with a "can I call you Joe" Biden - an absolute rookie on the national stage (Palin) holding her own against a seasoned and well spoken opponent. You can bet that the arrogant Barack Obama is afraid of her, as is the press. THAT is why they have wasted so much time trying to destroy her.

Her recent interviews (the past several days, this week) on FoxNews have served her well. And, think about this: as long as she is undeclared, she remains an adviser on FoxNews. Free air time is a blessing, in this case, and a great political strategy.

If she waits until October to declare, she will come into the race as the "last man standing," simply because she waited !! If you do not see this as a brilliant strategy, an absolutely brilliant maneuver, well, you are spending too much time cutting the grass . . . . . or smoking it.

Prediction: if someone like a Paul Ryan gets in the race, I believe Sarah Palin will "stand down." But if the current crop shows weakness, I believe she will get in the race.

Can she win? Oh, you betcha -- that is, if we all stop asking that damn question !!!


  1. HAHAHAHHA!!!!!!


  2. The only poll that matters is the one on election day. You were laughing after Obama took credit for killing Osama bin Laden. How long did Obama's "bounce" last from that little episode, Willy Boy?
