Now that Weiner is gone, what does the radial Left have up its sleeve: More sandal.

I am one of those folks who celebrate Weiner's fall from grace. He was and is a classless jerk, partisan to the core, and as insulting a fellow as one can find in congress. The GOP has no equal. None. So, I am more than glad this moron is gone. Unlike Bill O'Reilly, you will get no self-serving pronouncement about a needed civil and sympathetic reaction to Weiner's circumstance.

Weiner got exactly what he deserved. Understand one thing. If we had an Anthony Weiner in the GOP, I would be as opposed to him as I have been against the disgraced congressman. For example, I am not a fan of David Vitter, Republican Senator who has now come [back] into the lime light.

Who is David Vitter? Well, for starters, he is the only name you will hear from the Left as they try to "balance the scales," after the Weiner fisco. Understand that the Dems have more problems than Wiener. There is Maxine Waters, the criminal congresswoman from LA, who used here position to gain millions of dollars for her husbands banking concerns. She is still in the congress and the ethics investigation is a year old. And the black congressman from up-state New York, who scammed millions in unpaid taxes, but remains in the House of Representatives. We have John Edwards, committing adultery on his sick wife while running for the office of President of the United States. We have Bill Clinton, running around the White House with his pants on the floor, during working hours by the way. And there was Chris Dobb and Ted Kennedy and the "sandwich" episode in a local bar, under reported but a real event, nonetheless.

Of course, we could go on while including a fair share of GOP dignitaries. What is note worthy in this very brief review is this, the guilty parties in the GOP are eventually driven out of office, including Richard Nixon.

The only remaining villain is Sen. David Vitter. I am not going to defend the man, but I do want to put his sin into a time related context. Understand that his phone number showed up on a 15,000 number list from a local brothel. Not good. But he did apologize for the circumstance back in 2007 for the event of 4 years before that. I am saying this: the Dems have to go back more than 7 years to find a Republican they can hold up as an example of GOP hypocrisy. Again, I have no defense for the GOP congress that allowed him to continue, but, let's not forget that it was the Bush congress that was rejected by conservative voters in 2008. The TEA Party Movement began its rebellion against the Established GOP back in 2006, and the likes of Vitter were and are a park of that angst.

Expect to hear a lot about Vitter because the Dems have no one else to hold up to the light of revelation. And make note that they will forget that Pelosi and Reid both called for Weiner's resignation as they fail to mention any of the above stated examples.

It should be a rule of law that when our congress people violate accepted codes of conduct, they have to retire, whether Democrat or Republican or, dare I say, Libertarians.

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