While al Qaeda is waging jihad, the Dems want us to worry about the KKK?? Seriously, they are going to get us all killed.

CONGRESS DEBATES: al Qaeda or KKK more dangerous?

Why is congress having this ridiculous debate? Which is the greatest threat to this country - the Klan or al Qaeda ???!!! Good grief.

And it is not just the Marxist oriented Black Caucus pretending that al Qaeda is no more the problem than any number of home-grown para-military groups. Such an opinion includes nearly all of the radicalized Democrat leadership. The word "Dufuse" comes to mind.

Apparently, someone in the DNC believes that voter approval will increase for this bunch of losers if they are perceived as being the "protector of all peoples." Forget that not a single terrorist attack, in this country, has been attributed to the KKK, environmental terrorists, or anyone in the DNC !! (I put that last notation in the post just for laughs).

While the Dems are busy scoring points, they are actually telling folks they do not have a clue as to the threat level of modern day terrorism. On the scroll-down, you will find a chart showing the divide regarding America's trust level in the Dems vs the Republicans concerning national security. In short, there is a 17 point divide in favor of the GOP regarding Homeland security -- the largest divide in more than two decades.

Anyone who thinks the single terrorist nutcase or Klan member approaches the threat level of the Muslim jihad currently being waged against our country, is not deserving of our trust. I believe Obama is in that crowd of idealistic idiots.

Representative Peter King (R-NY) is currently holding congressional hearings regarding the Muslim jihad.

What folks do not understand is the fact that more than 200,000 Muslim Arabs live in this country and are under the age of 30 -- 20% of whom are willing to commit jihad against this country, That's 40,000 willing terrorists within the borders of our country. Thank God they are young and stupid or they would have already set off a bomb in New York last fall or killed 300 on a passenger plane Christmas before last -- two failed attempts that readily come to mind.

Can you think of a better reason to get these people out of government, altogether?

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