Think Progress - a Marxist blog - tells a whopper about the Madison rally.

Madison Rally Bigger Than Biggest Tea Party Rally

Police estimated up to 100,000 people turned out in Madison, WI yesterday to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) assault on unions, making it bigger than any protests the city has witnessed, even those during the Vietnam War. The Madison rally is part of a much larger Main Street Movement of average Americans demanding fairness in labor laws, social spending, and taxation that has emerged in Ohio, New Jersey, Florida, Michigan, and elsewhere. But yesterday’s rally in Madison is noteworthy because at 85,000-100,000, it was bigger than the biggest tea party protest, the September 12, 2009 rally in Washington, D.C., which turned out only an estimated 60,000-70,000. A photo of the Madison rally yesterday:

For two years, tea party activists and their allies in the GOP have claimed that the hard-right movement represents the true beliefs of the American people. But the crowd in Madison and numerous polls tell a different story. <<<<< end of Think Progress article/Marxist fairytale.

Editor's notes: understand that the picture above frames between 70,000 and 100, 000 people -- many bused in from outside the state (30,000 t0 50,000).

Note the two pictures. The Liberal Lie has a shot that is "up close and personal," the Beck/Palin rally shot is much different. Understand that 200,000 people stand on each side of the long pool, between the pool and the trees. We know this because that was the count of the MLK rally. back in the 60's.

While the Marxist editor at Think Progress makes the statements found in his article above, we give you the truth in picture form.

Conclusion: Marxists such as the editor at Think Progress are willing to tell the most ridiculous lies. This example is no exception. In fact, this particular lie is what we call "a stupid lie." Beck's rally compared to the 70,000 member gathering in Madison (pictured above) is not even close. You would think Libs would tire of their publishers and leaders handing out one lie after another, but no, they seem to prefer this activity. Lies over truth, symbolism over substance - such is the Liberal moniker.



  1. There are hundreds of cases of violence from the Left for every example of violence from the Right.

    In fact, there is no comparison between the two sides. Look at the Madison Wisconsin teacher riots; they had to bring police in to protect the GOP legislators. Put an anti-union sticker on your care, Slick, and see how long it takes to get you windows broken out.

    You example of violence from the Right is some old guy who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

    You have Democrat statesmen calling the the shedding of blood in the streets.
