Rasmussen has Obama's approval back down to 44%

It just occurred to me that with the new numbers, Obama may be in more serious trouble than we have previously supposed or hoped. It is one thing to be disapproving of Barack, it is quite another to see him as irrelevant.

He has given several speeches about Libya but no help to those who are fighting to rid themselves of one of the most heartless tyrants in the existing world politic. Obama has called for a change in the governance of that country but has hidden behind the UN's ineptness doing nothing in real terms to help those fighting to be free. Remember when he criticized Bush for interfering in the affairs of other countries??? Talk without real action is irrelevant.

He went to Cairo and spoke "to the Muslim world." There was no follow-up political process -- just the "historic" speech and then . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nothing.

He talks of friendship with Israel but sends 1.3 billion in aid to Hamas in Gaza.

He speaks of his Christian faith but ordered the name of "Jesus" covered over at the University of Georgetown.

He announces increased oil production in the Gulf, as if he had something to do with that fact, while Bill Clinton criticized him for delaying the permit process (March 11th).

He has spoken of transparency while refusing to answer Freedom of Information requests. 41,000 more requests were made this year over last year with 12,000 few requests being answered.

Irrelevancy seems to be more at the center of this Administration than any of his promises. If he allows this feeling to go unchecked, he cannot win re-election.

Update: more than Obama's failing numbers, we have a thing called the "generic ballot." If an unnamed Democrat ran against an unnamed Republican, that "contest" would be generic in scope, hence "generic ballot." Before Obama, this ballot favored the Democrats in the most consistent political poll of the previous 10 years. The generic ballot favored the Dems by 6 to 12 points on that sad day we voted Barack into office. By late summer of 2009, that trend had reversed itself, somewhat. It was clear that the Republicans were gaining on the Dems in this poll. In fact, by the end of 2009 and because of the health care legislative abortion, the GOP had pulled ahead of the Dems, remaining the generic favorite since that time.

On November 2 0f 2010, the historic midterm elections, the Democrats stood 10 points behind, the widest generic margin favoring the GOP in more than 60 years. In this poll, a 10 point margin is record territory for the GOP. Yesterday, this polling category stood at 46% in favor of the GOP and 37% for the Dems . . . . a very bad indicator for the Dems.

Turns out, Obama is not the only politician in elective trouble.

Before the next two years are finished, I believe Obama will prove to be the worst thing for the Progressive Socialist Movement in the history of that movement. Certainly, that was the case at the midterms. The midterm election were the most one sided GOP victory in 7 decades. The most recent polling information, detailed in the post, tells us that nothing has changed for the Dems since the midterms. The Dems are on course to repeat their election performance of the most recent midterms.

Of course, they can turn it around. And that is why the TEA party movement is not going away any time soon. While I have couched this post in terms of a partisan divide, understand that the TEA party movement is about spending, taxation without representation, and the exceptionality of this wonderful country. It is not about GOP vs Dems, per se. There are 84 freshman congressmen, this year, and most of them were swept into office by the TEA party movement.

They are about to flex their collective muscle, believing they have been given a mandate as of November 2, 2010. Together, they are the 800 pound gorilla in the room and the recent generic survey is only food for this political beast.

Its about time.

Update: this morning's approval numbers moved down, even more, to 43% . That is a near record ow. More importantly, only 20% of the population strongly supports Obama, according to Rasmussen. That is the lowest such number since Obama came into the High Office. . . . a record low.
In the above, I talk about the irrelevancy of the Obama presidency. Today offers a perfect example. Japan is in crisis and this country's nuclear agenda is in serious trouble, as a result. Qaddafi may have won back his country via vicious military power. Our country is on the verge of a second recession and what does Obama do? He calls a brief press conference to announce his concerns for equal pay. Hugh !!

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