Meaningless quote of the decade: From Biden about without Congressional Review

Here is the quote:

BIDEN FLASHBACK: 'If he gives authorization to war without congressional approval, I will make it my business to impeach him!'

Sounds like someone is talking about Obama, right? Wrong. It is Biden talking about the Iraqi War under Bush. And Bush got congressional approval !!

And here is a close second for "meaningless quote of the decade."

‘The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.’

Dec.29, 2007

Or maybe the one on Monday when Obama declared," We are not after Qadafi. No? We are only protecting the people from Qadafi and what if he is still there, when we are finished bombing? No one has an answer for this question.

The Russian's asked Secretary of Defense, Gates, what was going on in Libya. Gates responded with, " This is our first intervention. I may take a while to work things out. We don't know, just at this moment" (or words to that effect). This was yesterday.

And now, the French want to run this mini-war via steering committee !!

It is starting to sound like an episode from the Keystone Cops.

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