Governor Walker is doing to the union what the Feds have been doing forever. So, why the fuss?

Wisconsin Recall Efforts Off to Strong Start

This headline comes from the Marxist blog, Firedoglake.

The new political game is this: hold elections. If they do not go as desired, take your legislative politicians out of the state and into hiding, refusing to come back until you have a recall election. In the meantime, shut down the schools, riot as often as possible, threaten the opposition, and, in general, make the free-loving, dope smoking Woodstock idiots proud.

Point of post: first, two can play that game. Secondly, defeating the people's will in Wisconsin does not win the national war on fiscal responsibility. Did you know that Federal union workers do not have the "right" to collective bargaining? Why? Because the Feds cannot afford this excess.

The fight for fiscal responsibility is a national concern. Focusing on one state is a distraction that should be avoided.

Question: has anyone noticed that the rioting teachers, also known as "grown-ups," are as white as the clowns at MSNBC??? Who are the racists, now?

Oh, by the way, we should charge the teacher's union the 7.5 million
dollars it will take to repair the Wisconsin capitol since every penny
of the damage was caused by these white "grown-up" educators.

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