Government Shutdown - who is to blame? The Democrats, period. We have proof.

Do you know what a "CR" is? It is short for "continuing resolution." Because the 111 congress never so much as wrote an outline for the 2011 budget, the government has funded itself voting in one CR after another. The reason why we are are having the current battle over the next "CR" is because the 111th congress, under the "leadership" of Nancy Pelosi did not do its job . . . . . . the first time in history a congress failed to pass a budget or any of its 13 appropriation bills.

I really do not understand why there is no more outcry on this failing than there is, but, one thing for certain, the thought of hearing another lecture from Mr. Obama on fiscal responsibility when he has overseen the most irresponsible congress in our life time is beyond belief.

Forget ObamaCare or the Stimulus or his abuses with Fannie and Freddie or his misuse of the TARP fund . . . forget all that. To not even write an outline for a budget should be enough to get this impostor impeached.

Whose fault is it if we have a government shutdown? There is no debate on this. This is all on the Democrats. If they had done their job, to begin with, a budget would be in place and we would not have this discussion.

Understand that the 2011 budget was to have been a Democrat budget, completed and in effect a full month before the past midterm election. Before those midterms, the Dems could have written their budget without any serious opposition from the minority part, but they knew the budget was become a campaign issue so they decided 6 moths before the election to not submit any sort of budget proposal. NO ONE else is to blame for this moronic failure except the Socialist Democrat Party. Now, the GOP has some control over the completion of a Democrat budgeted year, and the Dems are angry.

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