7 examples of Obama talking out of both sides of mouth. He should start smoking again. Maybe that will keep him from talking so damn much.

Number of ObamaCare waivers climbs above 1,000...
One to a county with one insured employee

10,000 exemptions to Iranian embargo
Out of the NYT:
At the behest of a host of companies — from Kraft Food and Pepsi to some of the nation’s largest banks — a little-known office of the Treasury Department has granted nearly 10,000 licenses for deals involving countries that have been cast into economic purgatory, beyond the reach of American business.

Obama's appoints Biden as his Negotiator in Chief. Compromise must be achieved within two weeks. Biden leaves two today for a week long trip over seas.
They have two weeks and Biden leaves town for the first week.

Pelosi says 400,000 jobs will be created almost immediately: CBO us a a year later that ObamaCare will cost 800,000 jobs She was off by a total 1,200,000 jobs

ObamaCare will not kill jobs. It will only " reduce labor"
"Kill jobs" is not "reducing labor ??"

Chief Law Enforcement leader, Obama, decides not defend federal law in the courts.

Sanctuary cities are a violation of federal law. No one in the Obama Administration cares. Border arrests are federal law. No one in the Administration care. Obama is "just like us" on the marriage issue but refuses to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, a federal law . . . and no one cares.

Obama promises to expand voucher program but kills charter school in DC for underprivileged black students.


Point of post: Joe Biden's appointment to Chief Negotiator, an assignment charged with bringing Big Spending Democrats and Concerned Conservatives together as they deal with the two week extension of the most recent CR, was the motivation for this post. Two weeks. Let that soak in. They have two weeks to get the job done and Biden, immediately after his first meeting with both sides, left the country for a week !! Anyone understand just how moronic that sounds? Apparently Obama and Company do not.

Understand that this list could be much longer. It is indicative of an Administration that is immature and novice as to its function, confused as to its sense of direction, and wholly ineffective because of its systemic indecision. Obama is partisan to a fault, supportive of Big Labor to the exclusion of the common blue collar worker, antagonistic to the Christian religion, makes knee-jerk political promises that have nothing to do with reality ("shovel ready jobs," "8% unemployment," and "you can keep your own doctor" are three such promises that come to mind). His foreign policy is an unmitigated joke and his domestic spending policy is more about paybacks to the stinking unions than any other single factor. He is dishonest beyond belief and that is [perhaps] his greatest personal defect.

The theme of this listing is the hallmark of Obama's life as president. The most obvious contradiction of all is the fact that he was voted president of all the people, but rules as one who is vitally concerned for only a part of this nation's population. No other president, Democrat or otherwise, has ruled in this manner.

It is shocking to me to realize that Obama is more immature at "governance" than Jimmy Carter. Who knew??

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