First, the new position [for Immelt] is head of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. After the longest period of 9% unemployment in this nation's history, Obama appoints an insider to his inner circle, a financial benefactor of his policies, to a part-time position dealing with the creation of jobs. Strange . . . . or did you miss the part about the position being a "part-time" position?
The new council replaces the Economic Recovery Advisory Board chaired by Paul Volcker. Now that the "recession has been pushed back," it is time to "pivot" and focus on jobs [all Obama words]. Immelt gets the part-time job and Obama can start talking about how he has solved that problem.
The announcement was made at a GE plant full of Obama friendly personnel last Friday. Obama has a history of "preaching to the choir" and he followed that course just before the weekend.
Mark our words: this is nothing but a photo op. It is a meaningless activity if one thinks that jobs will be borne of this arrangement. Think about it; whose idea was the creation of the "debt commission?" Obama's, of course. And they made their report this past December, conveniently after the midterm elections.
Anyone remember Obama making any speeches building upon the recommendations of that commission? Nope. Not a word. Photo op.
He is famous for this sort of thing. All politicians manipulate photo ops. Remember that walk on the beach by Billy Bob Clinton? He found a set of stones lying there in the sand . . . . . . . . . in the shape of a cross. Shazaaaaam !! . . . . . . . . . . Photo op.
Remember Obmaa's Cairo speech to the Muslim world? Photo op and nothing more.
Have we completely forgotten that first congressional meeting Obama conducted? The one where those gathered at the several tables in the meeting hall were sent to separate rooms to brain storm for ideas on how to manage the fianancial crisis and lead this country down a new path. Someone was supposed to keep notes and "get back" the our new Leader. Geeeeeeesh. "Focus groups" are there names. Did he ever call for the results of those focus groups - after he left the meeting hall before the groups had finished their work ???! A rather moron photo op, I would say.
Oh, what about that televised meeting of the minds on health care; both parties gathered with the president, on television no less. And what became of that meeting? No follow up. No second meeting. Nothing. . . . . . . . Photo op.
Need we go on and on and on?
Point of post: the appointment of the insider and corporate head, Jeffrey Immelt, is little more than a head fake, similar to any number of diversions in the past, some of which are listed above. This is not the kind of action that will keep his "soaring" numbers on the rise.
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