Mitt Romney, plastic bananas and the grassroots conservative movement.

Mitt Romney, past Governor of Massachusetts, won in New Hampshire with 35% of the vote. This is the first of the straw polls and it paves the way for Romney to announce what we already know.

We are not going to spend much time this post talking about Romney, per se. our post is actually is not about Mitt Romney; it is about Midknight Review and Mitt Romney. He is not our choice for President.

First reports have him keeping his distance from the TEA Party crowd which means, of course, that his view of a collective progressivism is not where it needs to be if he is to claim leadership of the New Conservative Grand Old Party. Litmus test? Oh, you betcha. . . . . and never forget it.

So this is what will happen over the course of the next two years; TEA Party conservatives and the grassroots movement driving America's return to greatness will surround leaders like Romney and George Bush, and John McCain [1] and all the other Establishment types in both parties and force them to shape up or ship out. We will have our conservative party back. You can call this nation a "democratic republic," a "federation of states," "a North American republic," "a republic of 48 contermimus states, Hawaii and Alaska, and a District of Columbia," but before you leave off your definitions, at the center of the American Experiment is a collection of people determined to govern themselves as they build upon a mutual history. From the start, it was intended that a set of documents drafted to give this experiment an opportunity to birth a free people be at the centre of the intellectual argument for a federation [2][3] of states pursuant to expressed goals related to being a free people.

In the final analysis, Mitt Romney is a member of the Establishment. He is a plastic banana, but a conservative one -- at least more so than the opportunistic John McCain. During the primary season, Romney will get absolutely no help from this quarter.

Just sayin'.

End Notes:

1. Understand that had John McCain been elected President, he would have sought to install Al Gore as his chief environmental advisor or at least sought out his advise (source: the rumor mill, plain and simple). During the years immediately preceding the 2008 election cycle, he and Sen. Joe Lieberman introduced the first-ever climate bill to the Senate: the Climate Stewardship Act, which would have established a carbon cap-and-trade system. It was introduced and voted down in 2003 and again in 2005.

2. Federation: The act of constituting a political unity out of a number of separate states or colonies or provinces so that each member retains the management of its internal affairs.

3. Those documents include the Declaration, the Constitution and the Federalist Papers. Glenn Beck recommends that we commit to reading the latter as they were written, in the " old English" of by-gone years. We have the greatest respect for Glenn, but this is a rather silly idea. Why make the effort as difficult as possible? There are modern-day English versions of The Federalist Papers. Read them. You will be pleasantly surprised at their intellectual sensibilities. Understand that no other nation was birthed from such a collection of intellectual ideas. We are it. If you want to be a student of historic conservatism, you must be a student of our founding documents. These documents are sacred in the sense that they are the bedrock of our shared history and the foundation of our national expression. Remove them and the ideals they express and you have fundamentally transformed this great country. In that transformation, the nation would become something that it was not intended to be 240 years ago.

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