The picture gives it away, but we are asking this question: guess who is thinking of withdrawing support from Barack Obama.
None other than George Soros !!
"We have just lost this election, we need to draw a line," he said, "And if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else."
Few in the Conservative camp understand just how divided is the Democrat Party. The midterm landslide election brought the party to a boil. Obama not only lost the Independent vote with a 23 point swing in favor of the GOP, he is on the verge of losing his base, the Marxist liberal element within the party. George Soros is representative of that segment of the party and his influence is extreme within the Leftist camp. The quote, above, should be thought of as much more than a warning; it is a declaration of ownership on the part of the Left. Soros is saying, "We put you in the White House and we can take you out. You belong to us. Finish what you started or face the consequences."
Obama simply cannot win in 2012 without this segment of the population. He knows full well that he has to move to the "center." But his party was driven more to the Left by the GOP victory, a victory that rid the Dems of much of their moderate base. Pelosi and Reid continue as the collective face of that party. If the Democrat Party cannot mitigate the appearance of the Party, things cannot be promising for the future. This country is simply NOT socialist/Marxist in terms of its ideology.
More than any election in the past, the coming 2012 campaign is shaping up to be a monumental battle between the Socialist Marxists within the Democrat Party and the more popular Conservative GOP.
The Marxist Media is desperately trying to brand the GOP as a wingnut party. If they cannot make that brand stick, they are in deep trouble.
Expect to see more name calling from the Left, more outright lies told by its Parrot Media, and hordes of clandestine funding. The Dems spent 200 million than the GOP in the recent election cycle. They are already collecting money and planning the coming 2012 strategies. They are serious as a heart attack. If we cannot match their effort to a significant degree, the war may be over two years from now.
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