One of the three TEA party concerns is "cuting the size of government." Exactly what does that mean ?

There are three major concerns for the TEA party conservative. One is the size of government. Another is a thing called "personal responsibility." A third consideration has to do with a fairness in tax policy that is not about transference of wealth from the have's to the have nots.

When we talk about the "size of government," we are talking about the number of government employees, the number of government agencies and the number and size of federal buildings. Add to this, the number of acres in the Federal Parks system. In Utah, for example, Federal ownership has taken possession of 75% of the land mass of the State of Utah. This is done by executive order. No vote is required and the decisions are final, for the state. Of course, an executive order can reverse any action taken by the same process.

When we are talking about cutting government, we are especially talking about the number of federal employees and then, the number and size of the various federal agencies. Governor Pataki, Republican governor of New York, cut 25,000 employees from state payrolls and in that number, is credited with reducing the size of government.

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