Under cover of the midterms, the US faces a 400 page U.N. report making it look like a civil rights violator similar to Iran or Cuba.

From Breitbart: The 12-day session of the 47 member council starting on Monday will include regular "universal periodic reviews" of 16 members of the United Nations, including the United States on November 5. The United States will come under the spotlight at the UN's top human rights assembly's for the first time over the coming week along with other countries that face scrutiny by the Human Rights Council.

Several dozen non governmental organisation [sic] are expected to lobby the debate on the US human rights record, while Washington will also defend its record.

Some 300 US civil liberties and community groups in the US Human Rights Network on Monday called on the Obama administration to bring "substandard human rights practices" in the United States into line with international standards. The United States only agreed to join the Council in May 2009, after the Bush administration had shunned the body which replaced its similar though discredited predecessor, the UN human rights commission, in 2006.

The Network produced a 400-page report criticising "glaring inadequacies in the United States? human rights record," including the "discriminatory impact" of foreclosures, "widespread" racial profiling and "draconian" immigration policies.

"Advocates across America have not only documented substandard human rights practices which have persisted in the US for years, but also those that reflect the precipitous erosion of human rights protections in the US since 9/11," said Sarah Paoletti of the Network. READ THE FULL ARTICLE >>>

Editor's notes: the UN review of civil rights violations within the United States will be held three days after the elections in this country. Those who are making these charges are anti-American groups operating in the United States and, sadly , the president of this nation, Mr. Obama. Are there problems in this country regarding civil rights ? Of course. So why has Hussein Obama chosen to humiliate the United States before an institution filled with the worst sort of despots and tryants in the world ? We will leave that answer to you, the reader.

Remember this when you vote on November 2 and, again, in 2012.

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