Bristol is in the finals !!!!! So is the kid who can't dance.

Ha !! Take your perfect score and your decided media advantage and this is what you get -- Bristol Palin is in the final three and Brandy is not.

Understand that Brandy was the undisputed favorite to win the competition. We thought she was the best of the bunch, but Dancing with the Stars is not just about dancing, it is about the lives of those who compete, and that is what makes the show as interesting as it is.

We like Jennifer. She and her partner (pictured left) show the shock of Brandy's losing to Bristol Palin. She actually lost to all three, but the show's editor's -- who knew the final results -- wanted it to appear that the undeserving Bristol Palin took victory for Brandy and dashed it against the rocks.

The aftermath of the announced decision was pathetic. Bristol was completely ignored, both in the lead up to the vote announcement and during it's aftermath. If they were going to treat her like crap, from the beginning, they should have not invited her to compete !!

That's right -- Bristol Palin was invited to compete by the pro's at Dancing with the Stars. And now, it has blown up in their collective face and they are as angry as the losers on November 2.

The black kid? He can't dance either. His community of friends is as impressive as Bristol's. And he is in the competition because deserves to be, just like Bristol Palin.

If you come to the dance with the largest support system, you just might win.

Anyway, good for Bristol. Anyone see the trash written about her in the free and Marxist press during this competition? We have and it is disgraceful. But that is what liberals do best - use filth and lies to defeat those whom they hate [for no good reason]. People forget that Bristol is a kid trying to overcome her own inhibitions, trying to do her thing, trying to be her own person. The Marxist Media makes her out to be some kind of evil.

In our opinion, Bristol Palin is already a winner.


  1. The Palin's are good and descent people. As close to an All American Family as you'll see now days. From the left's point of view their as close to "what's there to like?" as you can get. Consequently they deserve the ultimate campaign of all leftwing tactics. Namely the "Scorched Earth Policy".

  2. You said it. They are descent people. That means they are destined to go down. Watch it happen before your piggy eyes.
