ThinkProgress gets even more ridiculous as it pretends to undterstand the current political debate.

ThinkProgress should be a rather inconsequential blog in the world of political comment. You know, something along the lines of us, Midknight Review. The owner of the blog is a donut eater who has aligned himself with Marxist causes and plays by the rule, "the ends always justify the means." Case in point? This brief analysis of the current political battle taken from ThinkProgress:

Although there are a diverse set of political beliefs in the United States, there are currently two major political philosophies clashing for control of the American body politic. One, the progressive view, believes in a society where a democratically elected government plays an active role in helping all people achieve the American Dream, no matter who they are. The other, the conservative vision, believes in the on-your-own-society that favors the wealthy, big corporations, and other privileged sectors of society.

It is this kind of analysis that renders blogs such as ThinkProgress little more than team players in the battle against Constitutional freedoms and a doctrine of American exceptionalism that gives this nation a "poverty level" of $32,600 for a family of four at the same time that this hard working family of four [making 32,600] ranks in the top 7% of the world's population.

No one in this country will ever rise above it all using the Progressive "work ethic" that encourages dependency on Big Government. At some point in time, the progressives' victims have to say "no" to Big Brother and figure out how to make the kind of living [on their own] they have dreamed of as they wean themselves off the public dole. Safety nets are one thing. The GOP has voted for such in the past and will work for the repair of such social programs as Social Security and Medicare in the future. Liberal donut eaters want people to believe that the altruist goals of the Marxist Misfits are the issues in this debate. Nonsense. No one in the Right wants children to "starve" or go without clothing and shelter. Rather, conservatives want to give these poor the opportunity (and tools) to advance their lot in life.

This statement, The other, the conservative vision, believes in the on-your-own-society that favors the wealthy, big corporations, and other privileged sectors of society, is crazy wrong bordering on stupid. What is most egregious is the fact that ThinkProgress knows better than this. It is a blatant lie told for no other purpose in mind than to demean and destroy.

Understand that Big Brother governance is about totalitarian governance. It is Big Brother telling you what you will eat, what you will buy, what you will drive, what you will wear, how many hours you will work, how much you can earn, limits on your paid bonuses. In time, you will work for the state while those in charge of the state, folks like Obama, Chuckie Schumer, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi live the life you will never be allowed to live. These people are are not against big money, just the big money you make. And this is conclusion is without debate. "They" (the Marxist Misfits) do not argue the point with conservatives because they cannot argue the point.

Understand that my doctor son was of a Democrat mindset as he struggled through med school. Now that he has finished his schooling, serving an administrator/doctor in an ER facility at a large hospital, he has become the "enemy" solely because be makes more money than the 5.5 million dollar Obama thinks is fair.

We are thinking that no one on the Left knows how to even spell "hypocrisy" if using that word in a sentence about Leftist activities. They certainly have no understanding of the concept of "hypocrisy" as relates to the ruling class (i.e. Obama, Reid, Pelosi and -- perhaps -- Donut Boy). Understand that the government folk at Fannie and Freddie earn 6 and 7 million dollars in bonuses alone. That is fine with Obama. Leaders in Big Labor (AFL, CIO, TEAMSTERS, SEIU, AFSCME and the Steel Workers of America Union) all steal money from their union members and use that money to buy million dollar homes for themselves, pad their bank accounts and give themselves millions in undeserved bonuses. And that is fine with Obama. GE is in bedded with Green Energy, does much of their business overseas in order to avoid 60 billion in taxes and that is fine with Obama, Pelosi and Donut Boy, as well. We could go on and on ad infinitum.

Point of post: to expose the silliness of progressive claims against a conservative agenda. Mission accomplished and we might add, it was so easy to do.

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