So far, its the Socialist DemWits 3, the American People 14 with the second quarter soon to begin.

How to Keep Your Seat 101: Don't mention that you're a Democrat — With voters in an anti-incumbent mood and a national headwind against their party, some freshman Democrats are touting themselves as unaffiliated outsiders — and it may help them win reelection. . . .

Editor's notes: few political pundits appreciate the political victory achieved over the past 21 months. Who won? Conservative, pro-American Constitutionalists. When did the battle take place? Well, it is not over but the battle began, in earnest, with the inauguration of Mr. Obama. And, the odds for victory could not have been more one sided, in the favor of Obama.

We are fully aware of the successes of this Marxist/African Socialist administration. The so-called "Stimulus," was the first order of business for Obama; Payback for his unions and the beginnings of his redistributive agenda. During the election season, the major unions in the Northeast gave Obama 5 states in the election and hundreds of millions of dollars. Even Wall Street was in the mix, donating 20 million to the Dems during the same period they gave 13 million dollars to the GOP.

Then there was ObamaCare. Another success for Novice - one that would prove fatal to his remaining agenda. The battle for health care would take a full year to culminate. It sucked the life-spirit out of the soul of the Marxist regime and, may be the single most damaging influence in the midterms for the Democrat/Socialist Party. 60% of the voting population continues to oppose the bill as written and no Democrat running in a conservative district is touting the bill's passage.

In August, the Dems passed a financial reform bill (often called "FinReg") that put corporations under the control of the Feds to a degree never seen before.

With all this in mind, you might ask, how is it that we make the claim for victory?

Here is our answer:

Until Scott Brown's swearing in on Feb 4 of 2010, the Dems had super-majorities in both houses of Congress. That meant, of course, that the GOP could have literally "stayed home" and nothing would have changed in terms of a power display on Capitol Hill, also known as capital Hill. For a full year, the Republicans were absolutely powerless to stop anything the Dems thought to do -- if united in the effort. Then came "reality."

A list of failures that lends itself to the moniker -- DemWits,

They, the Dems, could have passed immigration reform that gave amnesty to 13 million illegals, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have passed reform to Don't Ask, Don't Tell - a Clinton rule, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have begun the ratification process for a nuclear free treaty with Russian, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have passed the very controversial "Cap and Trade" legislation, a redistributive strategy for the transfer of American wealth to the third world nations, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have closed GITMO, as promised hundreds of times during the '08 campaign, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have passed "card check," allowing unions to take over industry without a secret ballot vote, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have put KSM (the master mind of 9/11) on civil trial, using the trial to embarrass and condemn the Bush administration, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have passed "net neutrality," the first step in the dismantling of conservative talk radio, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have saved ACRON and officially partnered with SEIU in an effort to convert the nation to the color "purple," the official color of the Marxist lead Service Employees International Union - as Obama promisesd that union, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have gotten out of Iraq by the end of 2010 as promised during the '08 campaign, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have gotten rid of Washington's strong lobbyist coalition as promised hundreds of times in the '08 campaign, but they didn't.

They, the Dems, could have gotten rid of earmarks in the legislative process as Obama promised over and over, but they didn't.

The, the Dems, could have gone through the budget, line by line as promised, in an effort to reduce spending, but they didn't. . . heck, they didn't even write a budget for this fiscal year !!!

They, the Dems, could have institutionalized legislative transparency, giving "the people" a voice in the congressional process, but they didn't.

Understand that the Democrat/Obama strategy was to have the Stimulus, Health care reform and Cap and Trade in place by the middle of July, 2009 !! They knew the nation would be angry, but if their plan had worked, these three legislative efforts would have been nearly "forgotten" by the midterm elections, a year and three months down the road. Instead, the wheels came off Cap and Trade with only the House voting on and passing this legislation; the health care reform bill was not signed into law until March 20 -- nine months past its due date. And, none of the 14 issues listed above made it into law.

How does a Party with a super-majority in both houses and "their" president in power, not accomplish all of the above ?

Pressure from "the people" of this great nation !! Over the past 21 months, we witnessed the defeat of a political dynasty by a people with no formal representation. The GOP had been neutered in the presidential election as this nation faced the end of free market principles and Constitutional rule.

No nation on earth could have won a victory for its founding principles as did the American people over the course of the 21 month Democrat legislative campaign from hell.

The battle is not over until these people go else where to live .

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