Killers within the environmental/socialist movement abound. Here is one -- a very scary babe. Thank God she is European.

Glenn Beck: Can abortion be a kindness? — Audio Available: — GLENN: The first thing I want to play for you, though, however, is an interview from an environmentalist who is on the BBC yesterday and she's talking about the compassionate thing today. She believes the compassionate that abortion is compassionate. . .

Editor's notes: the following 1.26 minute segment is of an European environmentalist named Virginia Ironside. The value of the video is in the exposure for this sort of madness within the environmental movement. As you listen, realize that the far Left is full of the likes of Ironside. While she most definitely does not represent the majority of folks or, even, the majority of the Left, the sad fact is her kind is currently in power and driving the healthcare/population/environmental debate.

Understand that in the States, Ironside's equivalent is found in the American abortion movement and, especially, those who push for late-term abortions.

While the likes of an ignorant Bill Mahar run around ridiculing the pro-lifers among us (some of these folks are Liberals, you know), the fact remains that many who oppose abortion do so for reasons other than religious. This editor, for example, simply believes it wrong to take human life. The notion that a single cell "fetus" is not a human avoids the absolute fact that a single cell fetus is distinctly human (as opposed to "a human"). Pro-abortionists often find themselves denying that the unborn fetus is a human being. You will not find a single reference to "an unborn child or baby" in any of the tones and tones of well produced pro-choice propaganda. Not a word. Why? Because they know that if the "fetus" can be identified as "baby" or "unborn child," it becomes "human" and they lose the argument.

Whether or not one agrees with the pro-life position, nearly all will agree that Ironside's opinion is bogus and, even, dangerous. Let's take steps, legislatively, to insure that her obscene radicalism remains illegal.

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