California Reduces Its Penalty for Marijuana — SAN FRANCISCO — A month before California voters decide the fate of a ballot initiative that would legalize marijuana, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a bill that essentially puts those caught possessing small amounts of the drug . . . . .
Editor's notes: if you don't live here, in California, you may not know just many folk dislike Arnold. He has proven to be quite the clown. Today, he signed into law a bill decriminalizing possession of one ounce of the happy weed. In November, it appears that the voters of the state will approve a proposition that flat out legalizes marijuana .
My son owns a home on five acres. There are three legal pot farms bordering his property and two more on adjoining properties. A mature pot plant is worth around $12,000 per plant and there are some 250 to 300 plants in the immediate neighborhood. There have been gun fights out in the street in front of J's house. His situation is typical of all other rural areas within this state.
Understand that this state is infested with Democrats. They are everywhere. Their unions have the state indebted to their retirement funds to the tune of $500 million dollars in unfunded liabilities. We have run a 15 to 25 billion dollar deficit for more than 20 years. That is the way Democrats do business. California is a perfect example of what is happening to this country. We have reached the age of Implosion and the public unions will not let go of their strangled hold on this state. we get what we deserve.
Those who are pushing the marijuana bill (pardon the pun) actually argue that the passage of this bill will open the door for "thousands of sustainable green jobs."
The rest of the nation needs to help California and do so out of a strong sense of appreciation. You see, we have gathered most of the hyppie class of do gooder, environmentalist, morons in one place -- away from the rest of the nation.
Your welcome.
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