Colin Powell criticizes Obama but fails to understand the TEA Party Movement.

Colin Powell critical of President Obama — Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican who endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president in 2008, said on Sunday the president needs to “shift” his approach with voters feeling overloaded by a series of new laws that expand the scope of government. . . . .

Editor's notes: you know you are in trouble, if you are Obama, when Colin Powell takes time to speak out publicly against your political agenda. Powell stopped short of endorsing Obama for a second term and included a caution to the TEA Party Movement worth repeating: the TEA Party cannot be a continuing force if it cannot present actual solutions for some of its concerns.

Midknight Review does not agree. It is not up to the TEA Party to craft solutions. Rather, that is the work of the individuals who would lead. Powell, at this point, makes it clear that he does not understand the Conservative Movement. It is about smaller government, lower taxes and reduced spending. The TEA Party IS A MOVEMENT, it is not nor does it ever want to be a "Party." The moment the TEA Party writes the specifics of a goal oriented agenda into stone, the "movement" ceases to be a movement. Anytime a true "movement" institutionalizes itself, it ceases to be a movement.

Most of our political leadership, in all established parties, do not understand the movement. It is the voice of independent thinking Americans concerned for the Constitutional values and the continuation of the free market processes that made this nation great.

Murkowski in Alaska did not further those values. Ditto for Mike Castle in Delaware. Understand that the TEA Party supporters - this blog is a representative - is tired of the compromise that keeps both parties at the "top of their game." We do not care about Party affiliation. We only care about the agenda of the Progressive pundits in both major parties. Mike Castle was not about Mike Castle or Christine O'Donnell. It was about compromising with the Marxist left. THAT has to stop and stop NOW. We are not talking about Marxist. We are talking about COMPROMISING with Marxist. It really is not about anything else.

We do not care if a Marxist piece of jerkie (Bill Maher), thinks O'Donnell is disqualified for having a look see with witchcraft back in 1999, especially in view of the fact that Mahar is a committed Marxist/Socialist, that allows for the wacko/Truther agenda, that he thinks Obama is not "black enough," that he thinks Obama should function as a dictator, that he thinks the American conservative demographic is too stupid to vote their own destiny. Who is the wingnut, here ????

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