9/11 - A celebration of service to others or a single day each year to remember the hurt and greatness of the nation?

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How did Obama celebrate 9/11 last year, his first year in office ?

Remember ?

Did a "National Day of Service" come to mind? We didn't think so.

Yes, that is exactly what our Chief Genius came up with . . . . a national day of service "so that 9/11 never becomes just another day." Understand that a "a national day of service" on 9/11 goes a long way to doing just that -- turning 9/11 into just another day.

At last count, we figure there are 364 other days in the year to celebrate service to others. On 9/11, we need to be about remembering the courage of those on Flight 93, men who decided to die for their country rather than to simply die. We need to be reminded of the hundreds forced to jump, some praying, some holding hands with their partners, others on fire and screaming "I don't want to die." What of the firemen and police who lost their lives trying to help in an impossible situation? What of our success against those who joined in on this act of terror? The story needs to be told as often as we have reviewed Pearl Harbor - the other major attack on our home land.

Why this day of service . . . . . on 9/11 ? So we will forget the emotion of the disaster and the associated angst against those who engineered this tragedy. We have already forgotten how many died in this act of terror. You have heard "3,000" mentioned most often. But what of the 1,400 persons never seen again but not counted because we could find no trace of their remains ?? They died for nothing and no one seems to care. We have their names; that is why we know they are missing.

So, a day of service, it is. But not for Midknight Review.

Our observation is this: don't you know that those lonely Dems who care about getting re-elected are praying that Obama will stay inside and say nothing?? Look, it seems that this Chief Novice comes up with something completely off the charts every two or three days. He is proving to be the worst thing to happen to the Dems since . . . . . . . . . well, since . . . . . . . . . never.

So we all wait to see what his next Act of Political Suicide will be.

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