CHICAGO -(Dow Jones)- Deere & Co. (DE) has quietly dropped out of a coalition of large companies that has supported a cap-and-trade program for reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Deere, the world's largest manufacturer of farm machinery, opted to leave the U.S. Climate Action Partnership in May because the group's legislative strategy "no longer served as a foundation for moving forward" with climate change regulation, Ken Golden, a spokesman for the company said Tuesday.
"We came to the conclusion that Deere had other opportunities to be involved in climate change initiatives," Golden said. . . . . . . .READ MORE >>>>
Editor's notes: anyone remember the "partnership" Obama pretended to have with John Deere? Will, that started circling the drain early last summer. And just this past week, the "partnership" came to an undeniable end with the reported action above.
John Deere, as a corporation, understands that, in time, they are going to be drug into the cesspool of global warming "science." As a result, they have decided to take a pro-active stance with regard to certain environmental issues. After 20 months of ineptitude, however, John Deere has decided there is no opportunity (from a business perspective) in a continuing relationship with the current Administration. Understand that Obama cares nothing for corporate profit. Instead, his redistributionist thinking has him acting as if the corporate world to be little more than a property of the State. Our responsibilities to the health of the poor and the well being the earth are far greater concerns than those having to do with profitabilities and and growth.
As far as Obama is concerned, the medical industry -- including doctors and nurses -- belong to the State. Ditto for the corporate world and its collective management. As a result, Obama's established programs passed into law during the previous 20 months gives the Feds the legal right to tell all in the worlds of health care and corporate endeavor how much they can earn on a personal and individual level, what is an acceptable interest rate as to lending procedure and which shareholders will be allowed to profit.
He is anti-business and he is about to pay the price.
John Deere is running as far from the Administration as it can get. Corporate America is currently giving 65% LESS in terms of campaign donations to the Dems. And, the business world is sitting on 3 trillion dollars, refusing to invest that money in increased inventories or an expanded work force. The reason given has to do with not knowing what is coming their way in terms of regulations, healthcare cost and the great unknown of future legislation. While these are certainly reasons for the refusal to spend corporate cash -- Midknight Review thinks there is a little of this: without corporate spending, there is no "recovery" and business is sending Obama a message -- "screw us and we will screw you."
Point of post: we are concerned that you, first, know of John Deers's decision - not reported on any of the news portals as of this writing (we are the 'first'). Secondly, John Deer's decision needs to be put into the larger context -- that of John Deere's corporate concerns as well as their partnership with the larger corporate world, Obama be damned.
You write the best headlines in the world and this article, at least, makes a great point. I had not thought about the different ways corporations can fight back. Sitting on their money is a definite weapon. It is not their only reason, but it just might be a part of their reasoning.