When David Plouffe, President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign manager, wrote recently that his former boss was "not concerned with his re-election", there was predictable scepticism.
After all, it has long been a truism that every politician wants to cling to power and a reality that presidential campaigns are planned years in advance. Pronouncements about not looking at polls and concentrating on getting things done are, moreover, standard fare from poll-driven, election-obsessed politicians and their apparatchiks.
. . . . . .Obama's intervention on the so-called "Ground Zero mosque" issue is a case in point. There was no need for him to get involved - the Islamic community centre two blocks from the 9/11 site is unlikely to get built and there was no political advantage in his making a statement. . . . . . .
Doubtless he has been advised to prove he is "connected" to ordinary Americans by doing things like be seen attending church and taking "regular" holidays. But Obama seems happy to act as a European-style secularist, vacation in Martha's Vineyard and send his daughters to one of America's most exclusive private schools.
Obama does not suffer for self doubt. He has long seemed so convinced of his own virtue that to question his motives is illogical. Increasingly, his pronouncements carry the tone of one who believes those who disagree are stupid or bigoted . . . . READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE >>>
Talk about community organizers ??!!! Suddenly, he was not the only man on the stage, not even the only man who could talk. Back in Chicago, he could send his ACORN and union thugs to a bankers home and the next morning, the banker was perfectly willing to give Obama whatever he demanded. And the strategy seemed to be working as president. First with the shareholders of GM, then the banking industry and again, with the Democrat lackeys in the House. He ignored the GOP leadership, made fun of FoxNews, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and a host of others, and tried to silence free opposition speech -- all to no avail. Twenty months in his last term, he is pitted against the best community organizing time and money can produce and his thousands of volunteers now pale in the shadows of the 40 million Americans who are committed to his defeat and the 75 million who may vote against him come 2012.
But will he last until 2012 ? If if if if the House of Representatives returns to the GOP, Obama will immediately be investigated for a number of issues, not the least of which is the way he used public funds to get his way. Where did the 6.6 billion dollars come from in the first quarter of this years, monies used to pay off GM's loan "5 years early."?? Monies that suddenly appeared following 4 consecutive quarters of GM. How does GM lose billions in 2009, earn only 865 million in 1Q of 2010 and pay off a 6.6 BILLION dollar debt ?? Hint: its called graft.
And what of the 800 million he took in during the '08 campaign -- more than double the previous record !! McCain fully disclosed all of his donors. Obama refused. $400 million came from . . . . . . . . . who??
And did he make deals, illegal deals, in an effort to influence the 2010 elections? Understand, we are simply asking. We really do not know. He came from Chicago. We know that. But where are the man's college papers, his transcripts, his in-class lectures -- anything that will tell us who he is that is not written by himself in one of his two books? There is nothing, absolutely nothing on record that tells us about Obama. We know about Michelle but not her main squeeze.
Our point? We are thinking that he might resign sometime after the midterms to avoid the investigations that are surely just around the corner.
Little wonder that Europe has given up on the Obama dream.
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