White House salaries and more Obama promises broken - a comprehensive listing by Midknight Review.

From White House.gov we find the salaries listing for the 469 staffers (not counting the 40 whatever czars). The total for this bloated White House staff for 2009 is $38,796,307.00.

In an article found at Accuracy in Media, written in July of last year (2009), we have this naive [and inaccurate] statement of "fact" :
Obama thus far has kept his promise to cap all salaries of aides earning more than $100,000, but he is spending far more money on new media experts than Bush, an indication of Obama’s desire to modernize the press operation. The current list of staff salaries shows a large number of staffers earning more than $100,000 a year, in fact, about 23% of the 469 named on this list earn more than the promised limitation.

You should know that Obama has tripled the amount of money spent on managing the Media and has done more to control the Media than any president in history.

The following earn $172,200: note -- our list has only 22 names of folks making this amount. Others are reporting 23 names. One source is reporting 24 and 470 total number of aids. This latter report is not accurate if they are analyzing the White House report.

Larry Summers, one of Obama's financial advisors.
Mona Sutpken,
White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy.
Susan Sher, First Lady's Chief of Staff.
Philio Shiliro, Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs.
Howard Pfeiffer, Director of New Media
James Messina, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
Alyssa Mastromonacro, Director of Scheduling and Advance (Advance what ??)
Christopher Lu, Assistant to the
James Jones , Nationsl Security Advisor
Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President
Robert Gibbs, Press Secretary
Patrick Gaspard, Director of Politcal Affairs
Jonathan Favreau, Director of Speech Writing
Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff
Thomas Donilon. Deputy National Security Advisor
Stephanie Cutter, Assistant to the President for Special Projects
Carol Browner, Assistant to the President for Climate and Energy Change
Elizabeth Brown, Staff Secretary
John Brennan, Homeland Security and Counter Terrorism Advisor
Robert Bauer, Council to the President (we assume legal council)
Melody Barnes, Director of Domestic Policy (referees arguments between Michelle and Barack ??)
David Axelrod, Chief Presidential Advisor

Earning $179. 700 (only two individual according to this White House release)
Michael Hash , Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs.
Tim Love, Policy Director

These two men are named "Detailees" and come from other governmental agencies. It is likely that they continue to earn their "other" salaries while they combine their federal/presidential assignments. This is only conjecture on our part, but we cannot find the notion contradicted.

Note: When Obama misquotes certain legislation or misrepresents a bills content, it is because of Michael Hash. Understand that Obama spends almost no time sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office learning h,is job as top Administrator. "Administration," to Obama, only means "delegation of responsibilities."

President Salary: $400,000 per year plus book royalties, special appearances (Letterman, Leno, etc. ) for a total of $5.5 million in 2009.

Editor's correction: we are taking this bit of misinformation down:
Understand that Bush 43, in his second term, had a staff of 48 individuals
Source: Source Watch

The fact is our source proved to be misleading. The WashPost runs staffer totals each and every year. The 2008 year was what we thought we were referencing. The Post has a much different number here.
The actual number of Obama's staff is more than 450 for the year 2008. This is our third error in reporting since January of 2009. The mistake would not be humorous if not for the fact that we missed the actual count by a mere 400 + or - . Geeese.

Still, the point of the post is not about the staffer numbers but about another broken promise - a promise to limit staff salaries to $100,000. THAT we did not get wrong.

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