The problem with the Bush blame game is . . . . . . . .

A Republican strategist told CNN , "Nothing makes a president look weaker than pointing the finger at past administrations. By blaming somebody, it looks like you are playing politics and people just want jobs. They don't care about whose fault it is. Playing the blame game only boomerangs on yourself."

Understand that on each occasion that Obama blames Bush, he is admitting that his administration and management has not been able to correct the claimed problems. He talked of preventing plus 8% unemployment "caused by Bush policy." He was determined to close GITMO, a "monumental Bush mistake." He was going to reset relationships with Russia, countering Bush's "cowboy diplomacy" but never meets with the actual leader of Russia, Mr. Putin. And then there is the matter of jobs. He promised 3.5 million jobs by this time in his administration but has only been able to deliver on 682,000 -- something the Minion Media never gets right (see ). Heck, it was Biden who predicted up to a half million new jobs PER MONTH, in brief remarks made late last April (permalink source).

The big question is this: why is it that Obama talked about these issues for two years while running for president, has had another 17 months to fixed some of these thing with a congress that is dominated by his party and, yet, busies himself with immigration policy, bashing the State of Arizona, non-cooperative positioning against the State of Louisiana in the critical effort to protect their shorelines and lots and lots of time spent campaigning for others and trying to popularize the grossly unpopular healthcare bill. Oh, lets not forget his economic dreams for the G-8 and G-20. Busy, busy, busy but NOT in the areas that seriously effect this nation's immediate health.

Blaming Bush is tantamount to admitting failure on Obama's part -- but keep up the rhetoric; we love it ! --- jds.

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