Obama wants to rule the money making class but give them no vote. Can he pull it off? Watch the Dislose Act vote, today.

Update: 3:30 pst 7/27/2010. The legislative piece of trash failed. Needing 60 votes, it got 57 to 41.

“You’d think that making these reforms would be a matter of common sense. But of course this is Washington in 2010, and the Republican leadership in the Senate is once again using every tactic and maneuver they can to prevent the Disclose Act from even coming up for a vote.
” Obama

Early this year, the High Court agreed 5-4 that corporate political speech should be considered "protected speech." It was this decision that infuriated Mr. Obama, driving him to point the finger at the High Court justices assembled for the State of the Union Speech. His adolescent and partisan "me versus them" mentality
presented him with the opportunity to do something few [if any] presidents have ever done -- openly and publicly ridicule the High Court.

Obama came to power with the intent of using the art of "class warfare" to get his Marxist way. In spite of the fact that he made 5.5 million dollars last year, he was determined to fault the "rich," Wall Steeet owners and successful business owners and CEOs. As per his war strategy, Obama spent the entire year (2009) bad-mouthing big business and the CEOs who run those companies.

Then came the end of the year. In the late fall, Bloomberg Financial took a poll of Wall Street business men and CEO's and found a full 77% believed Obama to be anti-business. Bad news for the Slickmeister.

Couple this very significant poll with the High Court's decision to protect corporate speech, two months later, and suddenly Obama and the Marxist Dems were facing a well financed political "enemy." In the time since January, 2010, corporate America has cut its donations to the Democrats by a margin of 65% !!! AND they are planning to craft a well financed corporate campaign against this current crop of Democrat leaders.

THAT is why Obama fingered the High Court in his State of the Union address; that is why the Dems have written the Disclose Act; that is why they are now pretending to be concerned for the "middle class."

Understand that Obama wants the business/working class to supply the wealth for the Entitlement Class and to present that supply without Constitutional protections or serious Congressional representation. "They collect the wealth (normally, this is called "work") , we take it from them and give it to 'the rightful owners.' " This used to be called "communism" but not in America. Here at Midknight Review, we call it "insitutionalized theft." He wants to criticize big business, take their money and keep them from having any political representation. The Supreme Court decision made that impossible.

Hence, the socalled Disclose Act. Obama and the Dems want to restrict contributions and ads coming from the business community by demanding that they disclose the role they play in the creation of the these ads. Sounds good until you find out that the bill does not include all organizations nor the unions. It is political shame, a rule created to give the Dems an election advantage.

To pass the bill through the Senate, the Dems need one vote from either Scott Brown, Susan Collins or Olympia Snowe -- the three Republicans out of extremely liberal districts. To date, each has said "no." Turns out, this is not about "common sense," but about demagoguery -- straight up. Supposedly, there will be a voted on this matter, today.

(C) J David Smithson
Midknight Review

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