Does anyone in Obama's Administration know what is going on with NASA ? What they say and what they do are two very different things.

Editor notes: Head of NASA, Charles Bolden, talks about Obama's "Cairo Initiative. He is quite specific, outlining 3 areas of concern, the final one and the most important - according to Bolden - was the charge from Obama to Bolden, even BEFORE he took the helm at NASA, to do what he could to cause the Muslim community to feel good about their contributions in math and science. Beginning at the 56 second mark of the video below, you have Bolden talking about these three points in the "Cairo Initiative." Since this interview, there has been nothing but non-stop criticism of Obama as concerns this matter. So, how does Obama handle the problem. . . . . . . before first trying to defend it? Why, he denies the instruction was ever given, of course -- proving that Obama will gladly throw anyone under the bus. First his grandmother, then Jeremiah Wright. Robert Gibbs, on Sunday, July 11th, described Bolden as having "misspoken" on the matter. Listen to Bolden to see if this is "misspeak" or not. By the way, do not forget that he is being interviewed by the Muslim media outlet, Al Jazeera.

In contrast to the above discussion, Fox News reported that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday that NASA Administrator Charles Bolden must have misspoken when he told Al Jazeera last month that one of his top priorities is to reach out to Muslim countries. "That was not his task and that's not the task of NASA," Gibbs said. Bolden, though, said last month in the interview that it was President Obama who gave him that task. He made a similar claim in February. . . . . . . READ MORE >>>>>

Let's not forget that as late as last Tuesday, July 6th, we have this report, by ABC News, of the White House's support of the Cairo Initiative:

The White House and NASA today defended comments by National Aeronautic Space Administration administrator Charles Bolden about reaching out to the Muslim world – comments that conservatives criticized as undermining NASA’s mission.

A few days ago, in Cairo, Bolden told Al Jazeera that when he became the NASA administrator, President Obama charged him with three things: "One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science and engineering -- science, math and engineering."

Mixed messages, to say the least. In fact, "mixed messages" have become the mainstay of this Administration to the point that there is no clear message coming from this White House. But more on that later.

Point of this post? The mixed message of approval and then denial with regard to Obama's intentions for NASA leave us standing in limbo as concerns those intentions. In the end, "intentions" can be debated but "action" cannot. In fact, "action" can be charted and "intention" can be determined from that process. Look at what Obama has done to NASA since coming into office:

* January 29th - White House indicates the end of NASA's Constellation Program, that aspect of the NASA endeavor to develop new and future rocketry,

* February 1st - Obama calls for the end of the NASA moon mission program.

* April 13th - Neil Armstrong complained that Obama's plans for the agency were "devastating."

* June 18 - Obama calls for a $100 million cut in the NASA budget. And on this point, we have that "mixed" message issue. First "cuts" are presented and then there is talk of increases in the NASA budget. It appears that $5 billion will be added to the $100 billion budget -- not enough to cover the cost of inflation for NASA.

* July 2nd - Head of NASA tells Al Jazeera of the Cairo Initiative.

* July 6th - Obama defends Bolden's NASA assignment to Islam.

* July 11th - Obama denies the Cairo agenda for NASA.

All of this spells the end of NASA as we know it.

Also, know that Obama talks about going to Mars while, at the same, cutting all work on the kind of rocketry needed to make such a flight. In fact, it appears that his intention is to have NASA's future flights an integrated part of the Russian program. Just another reason why this idealistic Amateur in our White House needs to be recalled.


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