Understand that Devaney claims to oversee the Stimulus Act funding. Huh ?? What about "sheriff Joe?" Wasn't he the guy put in charge of that responsibility? Yes, of course, but apparently, that was not a good idea. So Devaney was chosen as his replacement. Right? Noooooooot exactly. If we understand the Devaney text correctlty [ below] , it looks like that job has been automated and turned over to the good folks at Amazon.
In other words, no one in the Administration is running these numbers. Maybe that is why no one in the Administration knows that there has been only 682,370 jobs created instead of 2.4 million as Obama wants us to believe.
Understand that Obama believes his job is to delegate authority, write speeches and make personal appearances [at least 1026 to date], attend White House evening functions [332 last year - no one is counting for the current year], and play golf [ close to 60 trips to the links, 11 since the Gulf Oil Crisis ] .
THAT is his version of acting out the concept of " CEO." By his own admission, he administered a little cocaine some years ago, but that seems to be his only brush with "administrating" anything. And that is why we are in the mess we are in ---- and its getting worse by the day.
The source for the comments below, are taken from this page at recovery.gov :
Earl E. Devaney is chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, which manages this website and oversees spending under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

May 13, 2010
The Cloud
. . . . . . . . . Just the other day, to develop this point further, the Board took a major step in the technology world, moving Recovery.gov to a cloud computing infrastructure developed by Amazon.com. What, you might ask, took us on this historic path to the cloud? Many of you played a big role, urging us to take advantage of cloud technology. The Board’s technical team agreed. But we moved cautiously, thoroughly researching cost, management and security issues before we decided at 9:48 p.m. on April 26 to flip the switch and become the first government-wide technology system to use the cloud infrastructure.
Moving to the cloud sounds like technological gibberish but the reality is not all that difficult to comprehend. Put simply, the Board no longer has to manage Recovery.gov’s physical data center and related computer equipment. Through a contract with our website’s developer, Smartronix, Inc., Amazon now hosts our website and provides computing power as needed. . . . . . .
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