Obama's mortgage relief plan, a miserable failure. He promised help for 7 million. Only 340,000 have benefited from his recovery program.

It has been 16 months since Mr. Obama told a crowd in Mesa, Arizona, of plans to “help between seven and nine million families restructure or refinance their mortgages so they can afford — avoid foreclosure,” some 436,000 homeowners have been eliminated from the 75 billion dollar program to aid the American mortgage holder while only about 343,000 homeowners have received permanent relief.

Point of post: his "cash for clunkers" went 2 billion dollars over budget and jump started nothing. The belabored General McChrystal asked for 40 to 60,000 troops but Obama only gave him only 30,000, 10,000 of which have not yet arrived in Afghanistan and plans on a full scale retreat beginning 12 months from now. His stimulus bill has shelled out $115 billion to date with only 682,000 jobs created (see recovery.gov for this number) while the recession has lost 3.5 million jobs since Obama took office. Obama destroyed the pension plans of teacher and police unions to benefit the labor unions at GM and Chrysler. Those companies remain unprofitable and deep in debt. He could have waived the Jones Act and enlisted the help of 13 nations ready to help clean up the Gulf beginning with Day 3. Instead, he has supervised the demise of that region, his ineptness causing untold damage. He has alienated Israel, allowed Iran to become a nuclear power, did nothing while Hugo Chavez brought in 5 billion dollars in military aid from the Russians along with hundreds of missiles, failed to secure the Olympics, the Copenhagen Agreement, Cap and Trade, and peace in the Muslim world. Heck, he cannot even close GITMO and he said "that would be easy."

We are not surprised then, to see his mortgage "plans" fail in such a monumental way. --jds

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