Obama sits in on another cream-puff interview, this time with Politico and then goes golfing.

Editor's notes with regard to a recent Politico interview with Mr. Obama. There is a link to the Politico article in the first paragraph.

Obama told Politico (a huge online Left leaning news/commentary outlet) in a recent interview. “The Democrats in Congress have taken tougher votes, have worked harder under more stressful circumstances, than just about any Congress in our memory. And they’ve done a great job and deserve reelection.” LINK What that means, of course, is that the Dems have worked to defeat the will of the people in nearly every legislative effort of 2009 and he is proud of that fact. While Obama wants to picture the 111th Congress as courageous, the majority of the nation (60 to 70 percent, depending upon what poll one reads) sees the present congress as tyrannical and gives it the lowest approval rating (23 % approval) in modern times.

Politico, in its headline of this interview, contrasts Obama's thinking that the Gulf crisis "echo's 9/11" against the fact that, following the interview, he took 4 hours to play another round of golf. Politico counts 38 rounds played. Midknight Review believes the count is much closer to 60. He has played 10 rounds since April 20th, the day the Deepwater Horizon blew up, and we know that he played 32 rounds during 2009. Certainly he played during the Jan - March period as well. Bush played golf (and was quite good at it, btw) but quit after criticism from the Marxist Left became deafening. Obama's time on the links is about to total a full month worth of time. A month. He has spent another 12 months writing, traveling and giving more than a 1000 speeches and personal appearances. That's 13 months of doing next to nothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . out of 16 months in office.

As we write, we are ending day 53 of the Gulf Oil Crisis without Obama having met with BP, yet he told the nation that everything BP does is approved by his administration. The most disturbing revelation in the Politico Puff Ball interview was his pledge to push for Cap and Trade. More taxation without representation, more government, more capitalized Marxism that benefits those who are uneducated and refuse to work for a living and punishes those who are responsible and willing to pay more than their fair share. In the interview, he spoke of the need to have a congress willing to "coorperate" in the legislative process -- he gives no credit for a congress who is concerned with the expressed will of the people.

Obama actually had the audacity to brag on the 111th congress for getting more done than any previous congress when the fact is that the 111th held super majorities in both houses and was one of the more divisive congresses in history. It has the lowest approval rating in history. It is the most partisan congress in history, passing a 3000 page healthcare "reform" bill, for example, while approving just one amendment from the GOP -------- the GOP offered more than 800 such amendments. As a side bar, Obama took time to meet with the Republican caucus on three times in 2009 , less than 5 hours in formal meetings with the oppositon party. No president has such a record. None.

In the end, the Politco interview accomplished nothing in terms of news. The purpose of the interview, from Obama's point of view, was to keep the spotlight on him and in that effort, he was some what successful -- I mean, who actually reads Politico for their cream-puff interviews of Obama ?? --- jds.

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