So he goes to West Point and promises a new international order based on . . . . . . . . . talk (he calls it "diplomacy")

WEST POINT, N.Y.President Obama previewed a new national security strategy rooted in diplomatic engagement and international alliances on Saturday as he essentially repudiated his predecessor’s emphasis on unilateral American power and the right to wage pre-emptive war. . . . . . “This engagement is not an end in itself. The international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times.”

Understand that "diplomacy" is nothing but talk. That is exactly what diplomacy is in the Obama administration. In the case of an experienced pragmatist and patriot, it is strategic talk aimed at achieving a favored position for the United States. In the case of Obama, this means nothing of importance . . . . . nothing at all.

How can we be certain of this analysis? Look to the past 16 months. Iran is going to be the first Middle Eastern Muslim state to "go nuclear." What has Obama done for the past 16 months? Talk. To be sure, he called it "diplomacy." Again, diplomacy is "strategic talk." Obama has sit around on his proverbials and watched Iran become a threat to the Middle East region, Israel, and even South America. He has taken this country from a policy of power for peace to one of talk for peace. This is just talk, very dangerous talk. And the "new international order?" That is just talk, also. There will never be a world order that amounts to anything in terms of power and sovereignty. It only use will be to graft, waste and fraud. Understand that those who follow after Karl Marx are those who are nothing short of greedy, power-hungry men - each and everyone. Under Obama, we have watched N Korea grow bolder by the month. Russia has oil contracts with Cuba and has sent 5 billion dollars worth of military aid to Venezuela. Iran has made allies out of Venezuela, as well, and Brazil. Obama tried to bring Honduras down, but failed in that effort, disappointing allies such as Chavez and Castro in the effort. We have had 11 terrorist attacks since Obama took office. He continue to hide email evidence in the Fort Hood killings and has failed to create even one High valued interrogation team since moving interrogation responsibilities from the CIA to the FBI, in April of 2009. He has failed to close GITMO and little is said of that facility, of late. He has succeeded in alienating Israel and giving aid to Hamas (nearly a billion dollars worth of aid !!!).

Diplomacy? All we have to say is this: WHAT STINKING DIPLOMACY !!!

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