Only 11 % of those most likely to vote are fired up about Obama's performace.


Presidential Approval Index

Strongly Approve

Strongly Disapprove

Total Approve

Total Disapprove







Today's register from Rasmussen Reports, presents a president in trouble. This graph pictures two polling concerns: 1) the enthusiastic support level for and against Obama and 2), the actual approval / disapproval numbers for those who are considered most likely voters. The difference between "strongly approve" and "strongly disapprove" is -18 (a minus number is bad for Obama). When that number gets into the -20 bracket, he is nearing record lows. Understand that only 25% of the 44% who approve of Obama are enthusiastic about what he is doing -- in other words, nationwide, only 11% of this country is fired-up about the Obama presidency. Compare that to the 25% (most likely to vote) who are most negative about his performance There are a lot of people in the middle ground.

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