Bad news for Mr. Obama and the rest of the nation.
Syrian President Bashar Assad said Monday that the United States has lost its influence in the Middle East due to its failure to contribute to regional peace, in an interview with the Italian newspaper La Republicca. U.S. President Barack Obama "raised hopes" in the region, said Assad, but has failed to accomplish any significant peace maneuvers. Assad's comments came just before Obama was to meet with Lebanon Prime Minister Sa'ad al-Hariri to raise Washington's concerns about Syria arming Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon. (test from ).
One of the more remarkable Obama failings, one that appears to be systemic if not pervasive, is Obama's willingness to speak about goals and results without having worked out a plan of action. In the first months of this administration, Obama presented a speech at the University of Cairo billed as a talk with and for the Muslim world. In that speech, Obama assumed Israel to be an "occupier" with regard to Gaza and the West Bank and seemed to promise an increased partnership with Islam. In addition to these words, Obama gave Hamas, a well established terrorist organization, $900 million to be spent on housing in Gaza -- and of course, we all know that these terrorists would not spend a dime of this funding on missiles and weaponry to defeat Israel. All this was followed by a series of humiliating meetings with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama has refused to travel to Israel and has not been in that country since being elected . . . . . . . .
Now, we have the disappointing rhetoric from the young King of Syria --- "Obama has failed." What has happened besides "nothing" ? Most of us do not know. We can only write about what can be seen . And what is that? Well, Obama can be seen avoiding the Israeli/Arab issues. He has sent out statements that he and his administration are big time supporters of Israel. As recently as May 20, 2010, 205 million dollars in Israeli military aid has been approved by the House in a stunning 410-4 roll-call vote, monies approved in addition to the 3 billion dollars in Israeli military aid requested by the Administration.
Understand, that had Islam been more tolerant of the "love" sent out by the Obama Novice Political Machine, Israel would be in more serious trouble than is obvious at this time. Obama has miscalculated the hatred Arab nations hold for Israel, believing instead that the diplomatic difficulties found in the Middle East were due to "Cowboy Bush." Understand that Obama has suddenly realized that the Arab world really does long for the total destruction of Israel. Understand, also, that Obama knows that he cannot win the coming 2012 election if that destruction occurs on his watch. This apparent epiphany has occurred sometime over the past three months. Actually, the "lights came on" probably immediately after the news that Obama had lost 48% of the Jewish vote !!
Just when we thought we knew what he was doing, like it or not, he reverses direction in an effort to save his black proverbial and, the Arabs are no more pleased with Obama than is his own electorate.
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