In the May 18 elections, who was the real loser? Why, Obama, of course.

Think about it; Blanche Lincoln did not want Obama anywhere in her state. Specter, supported by Obama was a loser. Critz, Democrat victor against a Republican in a district that belonged to John Murtha for years, with a demographic of 2 to 1, Dems/Republicans, campaigned against Obama's hallmark bill, the healthcare reform and Nancy Pelsoi. Critz wanted Obama in the state like he wanted cancer. Sestak, Specter's victorious Democrat opponent, ran as an anti-Washington outsider willing to buck the establishment -- Obama being the "victim" in this scenario.

In fact, Obama, Reid nor Pelosi made any appearances in the states in question during the closing days of this election cycle.

This is the single consistent factor in these elections ---- keep the leadership under cover and well in the background.

Some pundits are making a big deal of Critz winning the Murtha seat against a Republican. OK. Answer this question: why is Obama saying nothing about this victory? Why is he not touting it as a feather in his cap?
Know the answer to these questions? Simple. He doesn't mention Critz because Critz ran against the Obama healthcare agenda and won.

In the end, the big loser is Obama, plain and simple. he he he

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