How are the midterms shaping up for the Conservation Cause ? We give you the answer to that question, here.

This editor does not believe that he can over-state this particular collection of facts:

In 2008, Obama won 53%-46% and our final poll showed Obama winning 52% to 46%. (Rasmussen Reports)

That final stat is extremely important. Understand that Obama spent somewhere between $770 million and $1 billion dollars in winning the '08 election by a popular vote margin of just 6%. The previous campaign funding record (for national office) was $340 million dollars. McCain collected and spent around $330 million. Again, Obama spent at least $770 million. Midknight Review believes that considering the "unique candidate" factor, Obama's ability to speak, his willingness to promise the moon with no regard to truth , the national angst against a war in the closing stages of victory (Iraq) and an economy whose "bottom" was dropping from sight in the closing weeks of the election, Obama should have taken in a record margin in terms of the popular vote. He did not.

In 2008, all cylinders in his election machine, including his own private civilian organization (Organization for Obama) , were operating at optimum efficiency. His OFO had an email list to fellow activists of more than 13 million people and funding that remains unreported with donors kept secret. While McCain disclosed his donor list, Obama has refused to do so with regard to at least $400 -$600 million of campaign funding. Because of that silence, we do not know if donations came from outside of this country or if they were collected fairly as individual contributions or forced by unions and pro-big government corporations. Because of that silence, we have no idea as to who Obama is indebted to and what "stimulus monies" are being paid out to those who have the power to make or break Mr. Obama.

The "Major Media" became Obama's Minion Media beginning with his '08 campaign and continues in that vein to this day. Positive stories written during the campaign ran 3 to 1 in Obama's favor and since the election, his interviews on each of the three "major networks" have been disgustingly "puff-ball." He continues to have daily morning meetings, he or important members of his inner circle, with several members of the print and televised media. And pundits on CNN and MSNBC have agreed that "now is not the time for objective reporting. It is too important of a time."

Understand that we believe that Obama's volunteer "army" will be no more effective than it was during the '08 campaign. Too many broken promises; too many ill-conceived "plans" such as GITMO, jobs creation, management of the nations financials; foreign affairs.

A 6 % victory margin is easily overtaken. Look at these considerations: first time voters have a nasty habit of not voting a second time; turn out of the youth vote, an Obama strength, is typically a very unpredictable quantity; about 40% of independents have moved away from Obama (this alone would spell defeat if his re-election was held today); 3.5 % of the white male vote (about 2 million voters) has changed its mind; and Black polling has dropped from the 95% voting margin at the time of the election to 88% now.

Add in the promise of huge sums of campaign collections from business and private organizations going to GOP candidates and conservative institutions.

Couple all of the above to the most recent poll tracking those who are most concerned about the coming midterm. In that poll, 56% are approving of the GOP will only 36% will vote Democrat. Understand that it is one thing to point to opinion polls that give Dems a 41-41 split with the GOP and quite another to track those who will actually vote in the coming mid-term. The former tracks public opinion and the later tracks most likely voter opinion. If you are a Dem, this is not good news.

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