Will Blagojevich get the charges against him dismissed. Maybe, A recent court decision was to his favor.

Editor's notes: this story from FoxNews is an immensely important story with regard to the Blagojevish criminal trial. While the Fox article is more about the attempt to subpoena Mr. Obama, the implied story is found in the fact that an appellate court has allowed for the inclusion of emails that had been excluded by the prosecution. Understand that Blagojevich is no "innocent," but neither are his enemies. After all, this is Chicago -- the single most corrupt Democrat stronghold on the planet. At least 79 current or former Illinois, Chicago or Cook County elected officials [have] been found guilty of a crime by judges, juries or their own pleas since 1972 (link) not to mention 4 of the past 10 governors. This is where Obama learned politics and the power the of closed door "negotiations." If Obama a crook? We currently have no reason to suggest that he is. But he makes and breaks promises at will and cares little about what has to be said in order to get out of the room or off the stage. Heck, he renewed affirmation that GITMO would be closed by January 22 just 5 weeks before the announcement was made that it was not known when that prison would be shut down.

Midknight Review believes that ex-Governor, Rob Blagojevich, is putting pressure on those who would prosecute him to have the trial dismissed. Corruption in Chicago is systemic and effects many many State and Federal officials "at the top." The nation is fully aware of the legal bribes and payoffs that went into the passage of the HealthCare reform ( at least 7 billion was spent by Obama and company to get that bill through Congress). If a court decides to honor an Obama subpoena, we would not be surprised to see that trial dismissed. In fact, Midknight Review believes this might be an eventuality, anyway.

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