Obama - our first anti-Semitic President . . . . besides Jimmy Carter, that is.

Here is a ridiculous story -- not because of the actual story line but because of the moronic assumptions of those reporting the story. The headline reads:

U.S. and Israel: An unsettled alliance.

Here are the words of the caption to the picture on our left:

Conflicting views: Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (left) with US president Barack Obama in Washington last year. Their poor personal and political relations have played a part in the rift between their countries.

The writers of this piece of journalistic malfeasance think that personality differences are partly to blame for the evolving disaster that is the Obama Israeli policy. Well, maybe. Let's look at the history of the Obama effort to serve "peace" in the Middle East.

Obama meets with Netanyahu for the first time and in that meeting demands that the settlements in the West Bank (a Palestinian area located right in the middle of Israel) be abandoned. No requisite or prerequisite diplomacy. No warning. Just, "Hi there Net, baby. I am the new President. I am Black in case you haven't noticed and I am ordering you to stop with the settlements in the West Bank. Can we count on you to comply?" Can anyone say the word "amentia?"

Then, Obama goes to Cairo and gives his "famous" speech to the Muslim World - don't remember ??!! It was the one in which he described Israel as an "occupier." Yeah. Personality problem ? You betcha. . . . its called arrogance.

Let's not forget the 1 billion dollar gift to Hamas for housing needs. Can you dig it ?? Hamas is trusted to spend the money on housing and not on missiles and stuff to kill people?

Then there was that shipment of bunker buster bombs Obama tried to stop from being landed in Israel.

And, last week, we have the Administration's decision to prevent Israeli nuclear scientists from getting passports to Israel.

Let's be honest here. The Israeli Prime Minister has never had to deal with an aggressive, anti-Semitic American President. He didn't see it coming - nor did we.

Here is the real reason why the Prime Minister did not go to Washington. In one newspaper report, we were told that he was afraid of an Arab ambush. Tactfully stated, we think. The truth is very different or so we think. The Prime Minister is not afraid of the Arabs. He is afraid of Obama. Netanyahu stayed away from the 47 nation confab because he feared Obama was about to "out" Israel on their possession of nuclear weaponry. Believe this: Obama wants Israel to surrender its nuclear arsenal !! You heard it first, here at Midknight Review --- the real deal. Seriously.

Understand that Obama will do whatever it takes to get the job done. If he is willing to fund a terrorist organization (Hamas); if he publicly calls Isreal an "aggressor" nation; if he is willing to walk out of a meeting with Netanyahu in order to eat din din with his wife and kids -- then he is willing to spill the beans with regard to the United States' involvement with Israel's nuclear program. This situation is far more serious than most are willing to admit. And it is all on the shoulders of Barack Hussein Obama.

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