One of the more humorous events of the past several days is the announcement by GM that they are paying back the bailout money 5 YEARS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE. Look at this headline: GM Pays Back Government Loan 5 Years Early, Right-Wingers Wipe Egg from Faces
Wipe egg off our faces? How utterly moronic (and we do not often use that word). Let's compare the above headline with this summary review of GM's 1st Q production schedule: "G.M. said Wednesday that it had positive cash flow of $1 billion in the six months after it emerged from bankruptcy protection last July, but that it lost $4.3 billion in that period . . .," (link). In other news of the day, we are told that GM's sales, while up from February is down across the board by more than 40% over the same time last year -- and they were losing money last year.
Pay back the monies received from the Feds ? That is what they want you to believe. And how much is that? They tell us it is around 5.6 billion dollars. The problem with that is found in the fact that they have been given somewhere around 60 billion bucks, not 5.6 billion. So, first , they didn't pay the 60 billion back. Secondly, they didn't pay back the 5.6 billion either. How do we know? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT TURNED A PROFIT SINCE RECEIVING THE BAILOUT FUNDS. No mon, no fun.
What is happening, then? Another one of Obama's scams, that's whats happening. Since GM made no money over the course of the past four quarters, where did they come up with 5.6 billion dollars? Ah !! A great question, especially since they just lost 4.3 billion dollars (last quarter of '09). Well, the scheming is rather involved, but in the end, it came from the TARP slush fund -- you know, that 700 billion dollar TARP allocation through which more than 24 trillion dollars has past -- THAT TARP.
And Obama still owns 61 % of GM --- no one is paying anything back. Its kind of like those jobs "saved or created." Obama tells us that number is well beyond 2 million while his site tells us the number is a little over 600,000 , created or saved. Funny, when you think about it, Obama is kinda of like God -- he, too, can speak things into existence. Amazing. -- jds
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