I ran my stats a couple of weeks ago and

The chart to the left quantifies first time visits (green) against 1-5, 5-10 and more than 10 (brown) visits over the most recent 4 week period. What is significant, here, is the change between Midknight Review - new and revised and the original Midknight Review. That green portion of the pie chart? First time visits. This averaged 78% of the total visits to that original site. Terrible. In other words, 2 out of 10 visits were repeats. Today, repeat visits are a solid 6 out of 10. The only difference between the original and the "new and revised" is my commentary and the length of the posts.
A significant amount of our original editorial comment is written before 9:00 am each morning . . . . before the opening words of Rush. That should be important to our repeat readership. We are ahead of the curve on a number of issues and write our opinions and predictions before the mainstream conservative media giants come on line. We were the first to report Obama's intentions to "out" Israel's nuclear program at the recent nuclear proliferation conference. We are the only blog to report on the 23.8 trillion dollar excess of TARP -- even to this day. We were the first to arrive at the 24.6 trillion dollar debt total for Obama over the course of the next ten years, compared to a 10 debt projection for Bush of 4 trillion. Midknight review is ahead of the curve on unemployment reporting, documenting Obama's immaturity as a domestic leader, actual voter counts in predicting the coming election and so much more. In other words, this political Review serves an unique purpose deserving of a bookmark on your computer.
I haven't made an actual count, but we are carried on some 30 search engines and menu (url) pages. Our "charts and graphs" is our second most popular blog "page" and is used by some 75 different educational institutions including Texas A&M, University of Indiana, LSU, University of Washington.
We are making a move to WordPress within the next three weeks. We are not sure as to how to handle the transition but we do want to get away from Google as owner of the site.
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