and the era of "Jim Crow"(a period of legislated segregation from the 1870's to 1965) was at its height during the days of a Democrat controlled South. We forget that the Deep South and the primary political party of the Confederacy was the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Democrat Party. There was a time when all members of the KKK were . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .Democrats. The only reason why the South is not "Democrat" today, is that it went Left during LBJ and is now profoundly Marxist/Socialist in both its methodology and national purpose. --- jds
Former ACORN head Bertha Lewis told a group of the Young Democratic Socialists on that they should "do everything [they] can" to build their organization, and then insisted that our times are worse than internment under the Japanese and the years of Jim Crow laws (h/t Morgan Richmond at BigGovernment):
Any of these groups that says, "I'm young, I'm Democratic, and I'm a socialist," is okay with me. You know that's no light thing to do -- to actually say, I'm a socialist. You've got to know, actually, we are living in a time that's going to dwarf the McCarthy era. It is going to dwarf the internment of World War II. We are right now in a time that is going to dwarf the era of Jim Crow and segregation.
They are coming. And they are coming after you. And they are going to be brutal and oppressive. They've already shown it. ... This is not rhetoric or hyperbole -- this is real. ... This tea party so-called movement -- a bowel-movement in my estimation -- and this blatant uncovering and ripping off the mask of racism...
Bertha's group lost its congressional funding after videos were released depicting actual ACORN workers offering advice on how to hide income from prostitution from the government as well as how to lie to get mortgages. This video demonstrates a contrast to rhetoric about alleged fear-mongering among Tea Party protesters.
Even more ironic is the explicit Democrat support given to the causes she lists. Liberal icon Bobby Kennedy played no small part in Joe McCarthy's efforts to investigate Communist infiltration in the U.S. government. Internment of the Japanese came under the original New Deal Democrat president Franklin Roosevelt. The era of Jim Crow laws was governed by southern Democrats like Alabama governor George Wallace and Mississippi senator Jim Eastland. end of the Examiner text.
We end this post with a historical reminder from the Wall Street Journal with regard to the Democrat Party's fostering of segregation and the deceitfulness of its "solution" to that historical reality:
The missing history raises the obvious question of whether the Democrats, unable or simply unwilling to put their party on record as taking direct responsibility for one of the worst racial crimes of the ages, will be able to run a campaign free of the racial animosities it has regularly brought both to American presidential campaigns and American political and social life in general.What else to make of the official party history as presented by the DNC on its Web site? It is a history so sanitized of historical reality it makes Stalin look like David McCullough.
The DNC Web site section labeled "Party History," linked here, is in fact scrubbed clean of the not-so-little dirty secret that fueled Democrats' political successes for over a century and a half and made American life a hell on earth for black Americans. Literally, the DNC official history, which begins with the creation of the party in 1800, gets to the creation of the DNC itself in 1848 and then--poof!--the next sentence says: "As the 19th Century came to a close, the American electorate changed more and more rapidly." It quickly heads into a riff on poor immigrants coming to America.
In a stroke, 52 years of Democratic history vanishes. Disappeared faster than the truth in the Clinton administration. Why would this be? Allow me to sketch in a few facts from those missing 52 years. For that matter, lets add in the facts from the party history before and after those 52 years, since they aren't mentioned by the Democrats' National Committee either.
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