When we talk about the Democrat Machine, we are writing about the means by which Democrats secure voting majorities in the Eastern United States. At the center of the effort are the "volunteers" in the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) and ACORN. Those who live west of the Mississippi River have no idea as to the power of the Democrat Get Out The Vote Machine.
For years, Obama's only "job" was with the Get Out The Vote Marxist machine. That is what he did and little else. What is a closely held secret is the fact that enthusiasm within the ranks of the 2 million member SEIU and ACORN associations is at a 5 year low dating back to the Bush/Gore election. While it is reported that hundreds of Democrat volunteers are involved in the day's choir of getting Democrat voters to polls, the truth is that only 300 such volunteers are so involved and discouragement abounds.
The polls could be wrong. Coakley could win this election but not because of the efforts of either Obama or his minions. They have made no difference in this election. In the end, the citizens of Massachusetts will vote their personal convictions. If Coakley wins, Obama and Company have still lost. Think about - this is a fight for a seat that has been in the Democrat camp since 1952 AND in a state with the 4th highest Obama majority vote (26%) in the Nation. That margin is gone and with it, the meaning and purpose of the Obama Agenda. CNN interviewed citizens about the election and recorded but one response. It was a black man and he said this: "We want this election to say something to the Nation. We are worried about the spending in Washington and are sick and tired of it." Tomorrow we will know if this is the majority opinion.
Obama came to office as a community organizer. Little did we know that he thought this gave him an edge. He was the Commander and Chief of a two million member organization that would jump at his command -- at least, that was his theory. It worked for a while, right up until the time that all those promises began to fall by the wayside. You see, his "civilian army" is not made up of dialogs but of loafers and looters with no understanding of Constitutional governance or the principles of a free market society. More importantly, they have no clue as to the theoretical changes Obama has in mind for this country. All they care about is the benefit to themselves. Midknight Review believes that they are no match for the informed and dedicated conservative electorate that has finally, after all these years, come to realize the seriousness of the battle they are in .
We conservatives like to think of politics as a game. One side wins and the other side goes home. But that is not the case in the world of political wars. The Lefties will never go away. They have been here since the advent of Woodrow Wilson - the nation's first Progressive ideologue and have no intentions of leaving the playing field. The repeated task of those who honor the Constitution and revere the various principals of freedom and individual responsibility is to win power and dismantle what these Marxist have accomplished when they have been in office.
Today's election is as much a statement about Obama's civilian army as it is about his politic and influence. There really is nothing to do for a few hours but to watch and wait. Beginning this evening, we will be here, reporting and offering our humble analysis.
See ya !!!!
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