The Washington Post has this lead-in concerning the Senatorial election in Massachusetts, vacated by Ted Kennedy's recent passing:
Fueled by the energy of conservative activists, a solid debate performance and a 24-hour, $1.3 million Internet fundraising haul, Massachusetts state Sen. Scott Brown (R) has thrown a major scare into the Democratic establishment in his bid to win next Tuesday's special Senate election over once heavily favored Attorney General Martha Coakley.
From a memo out of the Democrat National Committee we have this :
Over the last five days, three public polls have been released that have had conflicting results. Last evening, Public Policy Polling released a poll showing Scott Brown ahead of Martha by 1 point. The Boston Globe poll released this morning has Martha 15 points ahead. Earlier this week, Rasmussen released a poll showing Martha 9 points ahead. Our internal polling shows the race to be a very tight race that means we must do everything we can to ensure we are victorious.
With these two quotes, we have an "official" recognition of the closeness of the Massachusetts Senate race which will culminate in a special election on January 19th. While the Dems have busied themselves pretending that they are in the drivers seat nationally, the Massachusetts election is proving that opinion to be only a dream. In fact, January 20th, a year to the day after the Presidential Inauguration, Massachusetts may prove to be a nightmare for the Marxist leadership in the Democrat Party.
On January 5th, the Rasmussen Reports poll gave Coakley a 9 point lead. Today, just 8 days latter, that lead has evaporated. With this mornings report, Rasmussen has Scott Brown within 2 points and rising. Understand that this seat is regarded as the 2nd most secure Senate seat in the country, next to Nancy Pelosi's San Fransisco district where she garners 75% of the vote while giving virtually all of her electoral "war chest" to other Democrats for their elections -- she spends no money on her landslide re-election campaigns.
This morning, MSNBC pundits were admitting that a 5 point or less victory for Coakley would be a huge embarrassment for the Democrats. The developing scenario in Massachusetts is completely unexpected and is sending shock waves throughout Democrat ranks. Add into the mix what is happening in Nevada. Harry Reid won his last re-election effort with 61% of the vote but is running behind all three of his Republican opponents, one by a 12 point margin.
Projections and predictions really mean little. But the realities of the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial elections recently won by the GOP may have given us a little insight into what is happening in the minds of the electorate. These two states went to Obama in the '08 elections. If Massachusetts leaves the reservation, the meaning will be without debate.
Understand that we do not believe this reversal of fortune to be ideological in the primary sense. Rather, this is all about the health care reform. The message has been loud and clear throughout the past summer and fall, but the Marxist leadership within the Democrat Party refuses to be concerned. If Massachusetts is lost, the socialist Democrats have no one to blame but themselves.
Now you know.
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