Reid Apologizes for "Light Skinned" Remark About Obama
The real story has two considerations.
First, the Reid statement was made well over a year ago. He is just now (as of the 9th of this month) getting around to apologizing for the statement. The difference between then and now is a book entitled Game Change in which the Reid comment was brought to public attention. A better headline might give us this wording:
Reid waits until forced to capitulate.
Secondly, what does this mean with regard to Reid's thinking about the darker Al Sharpton or the colloquial speech of the larger Black community? Obviously, neither are held in high regard by the Speaker or the Democrat Hordes that have lined up in support of this Boob.
Understand that this statement was not the result of a "slip of the lip." Rather, it was and is a reflection of the bias of the Democrat leadership and the low opinion held for Black party members. Until Obama, there was not a single Black politician held in high and presidential regard within the Democrat Party. The presidential campaigns of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, the Dem's two token Black folk, have been dismal failures IN THE DEMOCRAT PRIMARY PROCESS. Democrat leadership has never gathered around their campaigns. Back in the "good old days," the segregated South was all Democrat and the leadership of the KKK was Democrat, as well. Senator Byrd, a leading Senate Democrat, was a big name in the KKK when such things were acceptable within the Leftist party. He has since "repented" but the fact remains, that Democrats are more guilty of race bias than the GOP ever thought of being.

While the GOP has much work to do in regards to the Black electorate and their needs, there are a number of Blacks held in high and presidential esteem within that party. Condollezza Rice, Thomas Sowell, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele and J.C. Watts are names that readily come to mind. Other than Obama, who in the Democrat Camp is held in equal regard in terms of Black leadership?
If we put Reid's thoughtless comments in context, we see his hypocrisy for what it is. Apologies do not solve the problem. We are not sure that new Democrat leadership will help, either.
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