Editor's notes: The current health care bill is not being presented to the American public by honest politicians. Disagree? Perhaps this article will help change minds.
No "universal coverage"
Midknight Review understands that millions of Americans will not be covered by this bill contrary to populace statements by enthusiastic supporters of the current proposition. CBO numbers tell us that 6 million illegals will be covered while 18 million Americans will not be covered.
Cost cutting and those death panels
It will not increase benefits or even maintain current benefits, giving preference to cost "savings" which will necessarily take the form of cost cutting and the associated loss of benefits -- there simply is no way to cut costs without cutting benefits. These cuts are at the center of the storm created by Sarah Palin's warning of "death panel" decisions. What most Americans do not know is that a 15 member medical panel was named and funded in the Stimulus Bill, months before Congress began debating Health Care. The cost is reported to be nearly $1.1 trillion and is not included in the CBO health care cost projections. The "medical panel" excludes Doctors as sitting members. Dr. David Janta gives us the heads up on this fact in an article posted in Big Government. Our readership needs to read this article.
Cost reporting and the truth
Cost reporting is the final area of reporting that is not trustworthy. We are being told that the current Health Care Bill will reduce the national deficit and "only" cost $849 billion, just under a trillion dollars, over the first ten year period. Here is the problem: $250 billion is not included in that number - the expenditure is called "the doctor's fix" and is a reimbursement to the doctors working with Medicare. Secondly, we have the $1.1 trillion in cost for the medical review board mentioned above and fully documented. Thirdly, we have the issue of funding via Medicare reductions. The positive reporting on health care expense is tied to $500 billion in cuts to Medicare. We have no reasons to believe that ANY Medicare cuts will be made, not to mention $500 billion worth. Three years ago, under Bush, the Democrat controlled Congress failed to pass an $82 billion costing cutting bill to Medicare - not a penny was agreed upon. The reason why Congress did not start with cutting Medicare costs is due to the fact that their past record indicates that it will not happen . . . . add this failure to the cost factor of the current Health Care legislation.
Add to national costs the Cadillac tax effecting millions of Americans
And we have not included the personal costs to those who already have insurance. They will be taxed as much as 40% of the worth of their policies. Read the New York Times story for a full picture of this untold story. This is not just a tax to cost issue. Rather, the increased costs for these policies will become so repressive that personal insurance in the venue will be abandoned. Understand that there is no competing with an entity (in this case the US government) that does not have to worry about profit or balance their budget. It is "competition" that is being used to defend this ridiculous legislation. "Currently, the insurance industry has no competition. Now, under this government plan, competition is the key word and they do not like it." So says the liberal politician. The days of a free insurance industry are over. As it swirls around the drain, it will be flushed along with increased benefits, quality health care, innovative research (America is the world's leader in this regard) and higher taxes.
Real cost totals
Total additional cost equals $1.85 trillion in addition to the admitted costs currently being proposed. These are hard facts and need to be published. Readers need to continue to write letters and fight this thing until there is no opportunity left to debate the issue. Also, the Government HAS NEVER met its projected 5 year cost analysis except for the Bush Drug bill. Social Security has unfunded liabilities of 17 trillion; Medicare is 38 trillion in the hole; Medicaid is another 18 trillion. These numbers are 100 years figures. If we added the interest on the CURRENT national debt level and extended it over a 100 year period as we do with these other numbers, the interest alone (an unfunded liability) amounts to $50 trillion !!!!!! And, the current rate of interest is going to double three years from now.
Cuts will not balance this budget mess. Slow-growth policies coupled with increased GDP numbers (what we as a nation produce for sale) is the only way we will be able to amend this insanity. . . . and, yes, that will many years. Our only choice to learn to speak in Chinese and move on with the Marxist agenda being pushed on us all.
(c) Midknight Review
J David Smithson
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