Notes: Hey folks, it is a fund-raiser -- editor
Tea Party Nation is pleased to announce the First National Tea Party Convention. The convention is aimed at bringing the Tea Party Movement leaders together from around the nation for the purpose of networking and supporting the movements' multiple organizations principle goals. This event will be co-sponsored by other national groups that believe in a responsible and limited federal government that is responsive to all the people. National Taxpayers Union, American Majority, Smart Girl Politics, and SurgeUSA are just a few of the organizations who will be on hand to contribute their time and talents to this convention.
Special Keynote Speaker for the event will be Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska (2006-2009) and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential Nominee.
The convention will feature well-known speakers, workshops, seminars, information centers, and organizational tools for leaders to take back to their respective local Tea Party organizations.
Hotel accommodations provided by Opryland Hotel. Special pricing for Convention attendees. Click here to reserve your room (password is TEA10).
About Your Convention
This event is planned for our tea party movement people to have the most representation from across the nation by design. We want local tea party groups to select their best to meet with their peers from across the nation. The local tea party's themselves know who will best represent them, bring the best ideas, and have the most desire to move this process of organizing to the next level.
Though this event is geared toward representatives of tea party groups, anyone who supports the tea party movement is welcome to attend.
What we have to share with one another face to face is the true value of holding this convention though the program agenda will be dynamic and action packed in its own right.
We would hope that most groups could do some minor fund raising to help defray the travel, accommodations and ticket price. This is an investment in the true future of our movement and the people who are going to move us forward are going to be attending this event as they understand this.
Fifty people in a small tea party group for example each investing $10-20 dollars would take care of most of the costs to a delegate. This is not a huge investment money but information wise it will yield huge returns.
We suggest that your tea party meet soon to discuss who will be sent. There is a limited availability on the tickets.
Palin, National Tea Party Conference, reservation information, delegates, all access tickets,
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